Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- fig. S1. Geological context.
- fig. S2. Footprints of the VIR data visualized over the Framing Camera image mosaic.
- fig. S3. Point spread function of the VIR instrument as derived from star observations.
- fig. S4. Model of the average spectrum as a sum of outer region signal and ice-rich wall signal.
- fig. S5. Modeled spectra with different abundances (left) and grain size (right).
- fig. S6. Modeled best fits (red lines) of the five average spectra (black lines).
- fig. S7. Model assuming constant water ice.
- fig. S8. Water ice abundance of the ice-rich wall as a function of average solar flux.
- fig. S9. Water vapor flux modeled.
- table S1. Viewing geometry of the five observations.
- table S2. Parameters and their errors retrieved in the best-fitting procedures as described in Materials and Methods.
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