Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Supplementary Materials and Methods
- fig. S1. Relationship between mean relative intercusp distance and Carabelli’s cusp per genus.
- fig. S2. Relationship between mean relative intercusp distance and Carabelli’s cusp per molar type in Homo.
- fig. S3. Right lower molar with example of homologous landmarks (yellow dots) placed at the cusp tips from which Euclidean distances were calculated.
- fig. S4. Ordinary least squares regression of upper (top row) and lower (bottom row) molar size comparisons estimated from crown outline, centroid size, and 3D surface area.
- table S1. Ordered logistic regression of cusp expression and relative intercusp distance.
- table S2. Fossil hominin upper molars used in this study including accession number, locality/site, and source.
- table S3. Fossil hominin lower molars used in this study including accession number, locality/site, and source.
- table S4. System used in this study for scoring accessory cusps.
- table S5. Tooth size comparisons estimated from crown outline, centroid size, and 3D surface area.
- References (34–50)
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