Microbiome Dynamics in a Large Artificial Seawater Aquarium

Supplemental material

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Subset of the metagenome and metatranscriptome visualization provided in Fig. 5 (Fig. S1); rarefaction curves (Fig. S2); average relative abundances of major microbial phyla (Fig. S3); correlation between the relative abundances of the families Rhodobacteraceae and Kordiimonadaceae in 16S rRNA gene amplicon datasets (Fig. S4).

    PDF, 1.5M

  • Supplemental file 2 -

    Chemical parameters (Table S1); sampling schedule data (Table S2); assembly statistics for the two metagenomic coassemblies (Table S3); sample statistics (Table S4); CheckM genome completeness statistics (Table S5); unmapped and mapped metagenome/metatranscriptome reads (Table S6); reference genomes used to build the phylogeny with the three MAGs (Table S7); rRNA annotations (Table S8); genes related to aerobic respiration (Table S9) and oxidative stress tolerance (Table S10) and the MAGs in which they were identified; putative plasmids and ORF annotations (Table S11); transcription levels of cyanophycin-related genes (Table S12).

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