Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- fig. S1. Complete view of the phylogenetic tree presented in Fig. 1A, with major metazoan taxonomic clades colored as in Fig. 1.
- fig. S2. Summary tree (cladogram) showing relationships between major well-supported clades together with sequence logo representation of conserved histidine box motifs in the same clades.
- fig. S3. Mass spectra of DMOX derivatives obtained from desaturation products as shown in Table 1.
- fig. S4. Mass spectra of DMOX derivatives obtained from desaturation products as shown in Table 2.
- table S1. List of databases and query sequences for retrieval of functionally characterized genes.
- table S2. PCR conditions for the RACE and full-length ORF amplifications.
- table S3. List of primers used for the cloning process and amplification of full-length ORF of ωx desaturases.
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