Protein- and RNA-Enhanced Fermentation by Gut Microbiota of the Earthworm Lumbricus terrestris

Supplemental material

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Rarefaction analyses of bacterial 16S rRNA and 16S rRNA gene sequences obtained from cell-lysate and protein and RNA treatments (Fig. S1); effect of biopolymers on the formation of H2 and CO2 in anoxic microcosms of Lumbricus terrestris gut contents (Fig. S2); effect of cell lysates from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli on the formation of CO2 and H2 in anoxic microcosms of L. terrestris gut contents (Table S1); statistical P values of the products formed in S. cerevisiae lysate, protein, and RNA treatments (Table S2); time-resolved alpha diversity of the microbial community in the S. cerevisiae lysate treatment (Table S3); statistical P values of abundant families that were stimulated by supplemental lysate, protein, or RNA (Table S4); fatty acid profiles of anoxic microcosms of L. terrestris gut contents supplemented with different biopolymers (Table S5); effect of different amounts of protein or RNA on the formation of CO2 or H2, respectively, in anoxic microcosms of L. terrestris gut contents (Table S6); fermentation profiles and estimated recoveries of anoxic microcosms of L. terrestris gut contents supplemented with Casamino acids or ribose (Table S7); time-resolved alpha diversity of the microbial community in protein and RNA treatments (Table S8); instrumentation utilized for analyses of organic acids and gases (Table S9); summary of families of the S. cerevisiae lysate treatment (Table S10); summary of families of the protein and RNA treatments (Table S11).

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