AnimaliaHemipteraTriozidaePercyDiana M.Revision of the Hawaiian psyllid genus Swezeyana, with descriptions of seven new species (Hemiptera, Psylloidea, Triozidae)Zookeys155201820187587511310.3897/zookeys.758.23019 Swezeyana magnaccai sp. n.Figures 1F, 11Diagnosis.

Small, red- to yellow-brown species, with fore wing membrane patterned, antennae and genal processes medium long, and paramere short.


Adult. General body colour orange-red to yellow-brown, last 2-3 antennal segments darker brown. Fore wing patterned with irregular clouds of orange-brown pigmentation, darker patches indicate position of cross pseudoveins, intersections of veins and wing margin, as well as 1-2 darker patches on the dorsal claval wing margin, and a more or less distinct patch on vein R+M+Cu1 just basal to vein trifurcation, unpigmented areas surround the marginal clusters of radular spines (Figs 1F, 11M). Fore wing apex bluntly acute; pseudopterostigma relatively long (Fig. 11J, L), 2-3 cross pseudoveins in cell r1 (Fig. 11L); surface spinules densely distributed in all cells; medium long setae on ventral margin and medium short to short setae on veins and dorsal margin. Antennae medium long (ratio AL:HW 1.41) (Fig. 11B); genal processes medium long (GP < 0.35 mm, ratio HW:GP < 1.65) and not or only slightly upturned at apices (Fig. 11A–B); medium short to short setae on vertex and thorax. Meracanthus extremely small to almost absent, genual spine reduced or absent (Fig. 11E–F). Male terminalia (Fig. 11H–I): paramere short (ratio PL:HW < 0.30), tapering to apex with two short stout setae; distal aedeagus segment long relative to paramere (ratio PL:AEL < 1.10), apex developed into a large rounded hook with acute apex.

Swezeyana magnaccai sp. n. A head B head and antenna (lateral view) C proboscis D dorsum of thorax E hind leg F base of hind tibia G male terminalia H aedeagus and paramere I male terminalia (dorsal view), inset details of paramere apices J fore wing detail of termination of vein R at base of pseudopterostigma K fore wing detail of incomplete termination of vein Rs at wing margin (inset incomplete veins indicated) L fore wing, with interior edge of ventral margin outlined M fore wing detail of unpigmented membrane surrounding marginal radular spine clusters.

Swezeyana reticulata and Swezeyana tentaculata 5th instar immatures. A–G, M S. reticulata: A detail of dorsal lanceolate setae with inflated and ridged bases anterior of eye B detail of dorsal sub-marginal lanceolate setae with inflated and ridged bases on margin of wing pads C detail of tubercles on margin of abdomen, and marginal narrow, blunt sectasetae D detail of dorsal tubercle bearing small simple setae, and small lanceolate setae with greatly inflated and ridged bases on surrounding surface E lateral view showing arrangement of dorsal tubercles, open arrows indicate position of thoracic and abdominal tubercles typically more darkly pigmented F dorsal view, open arrows indicate position of thoracic and abdominal tubercles typically more darkly pigmented G anal ring H–L, N S. tentaculata: H dorsal view, open arrows indicate position of thoracic and abdominal tentacles typically more darkly pigmented, inset detail of marginal pointed sectasetae I anal ring J, K detail of dorsal sub-marginal long, simple setae with narrowly inflated and ridged bases, K also shows different pigmentation for 1st and 2nd tentacle on abdomen margin L detail of long tentacle with simple setae towards the apex and a pair of small simple setae apically, and longer slightly capitate rod setae towards the base and on surrounding surface M tarsus and antenna (similar for both species) N red-brown S. tentaculata immatures found along the midribs on undersides of leaves among the red-brown leaf trichomes.

Swezeyana reticulata and Swezeyana tentaculata 1st-4th instar immatures. A–F S. reticulata: A 1st instar, inset detail of marginal narrow, blunt sectasetae B 2nd instar with appearance of tubercles C detail of 2nd instar anterior marginal and sub-marginal head setae D detail of 2nd instar marginal tubercles on the thorax bearing simple setae towards apices E 3rd instar, inset detail of marginal narrow, blunt sectasetae F 4th instar, inset detail of dorsal and sub-marginal lanceolate setae with inflated and ridged bases G–J S. tentaculata: G 4th instar, with details of marginal pointed sectasetae, and dorsal and sub-marginal simple setae with narrowly inflated and ridged bases H 3rd instar, with detail of larger dorso-medial tubercles bearing spiral of slightly capitate rod setae; marginal pointed sectasetae, and dorsal and sub-marginal simple setae with narrowly inflated and ridged bases as for 4th instar I detail of 3rd instar pairs of slightly capitate rod setae near the apices of marginal tubercles on the abdomen J detail of 3rd instar marginal pointed sectasetae, and dorsal sub-marginal simple setae.

Egg. Unknown.

Immature. Unknown.

Host plant.

Planchonella sandwicensis.


Oahu. Only known from the Waianae Mountains.


Named for Karl Magnacca, a talented biologist who contributed several specimens for this study (noun in the genitive case).


Currently only known from males, it may belong in the reticulata species group based on fore wing characters and paramere shape, but is currently unplaced.

Material examined.

Holotype male (slide mounted), Mokuleia Forest Reserve, Pahole, N Waianae Mnts, Oahu, USA, N21.53208, W-158.1786, ex Planchonella sandwicensis, 6 July 2014, “Hi74-14” D. Percy leg. (BMNH). Paratypes (slide mounted) 2m, as for holotype (BMNH). Other material: 1m, Puu Hapapa, Central Waianae Mnts, Oahu, USA, N21.4666, W-158.1029, ex Planchonella sandwicensis, 17 May 2014, “KM14-14” K. Magnacca leg. (BMNH).

Gene sequences.

KY294144 (COI) KY294628 (cytB) (Hi74-14) [previously submitted to GenBank as Swezeyana reticulata Caldwell, 1940 (in Percy 2017a)]; KY294145 (COI) KY294629 (cytB) (KM15-14) [previously submitted to GenBank as Swezeyana reticulata Caldwell, 1940 (in Percy 2017a)].

Fore wings of nine Swezeyana species: A S. elongagena (male) B S. oahuensis (male) C S. atra (male) D S. magna (male) E S. hawaiiensis (female) F S. magnaccai (male) G S. reticulata (male above, female below) H S. tentaculata (male above, female below) I S. rubra (male above, female below). Scale bars: 1 mm.

PercyDM (2017a) Making the most of your host: the Metrosideros-feeding psyllids (Hemiptera, Psylloidea) of the Hawaiian Islands. ZooKeys 649: 1163.