AnimaliaHemipteraTriozidaePercyDiana M.Revision of the Hawaiian psyllid genus Swezeyana, with descriptions of seven new species (Hemiptera, Psylloidea, Triozidae)Zookeys155201820187587511310.3897/zookeys.758.23019 Swezeyana hawaiiensis sp. n.Figures 1E, 5Diagnosis.

Medium sized, light coloured species, with fore wing membrane unpatterned, antennae and genal processes relatively short, and female proctiger strongly convex apically.


Adult. General body colour green to yellow-green. Fore wing membrane generally slightly fuscous, darker fuscous clouds around cross pseudoveins towards apex of cell r1, and distinct brown patches at termination of veins Cu1a, Cu1b, and M3+4 (Figs 1E, 5K). Fore wing apex acute to bluntly acute; pseudopterostigma short (Fig. 5K), 2-3 cross pseudoveins present in apical portion of cell r1; surface spinules sparsely distributed and reduced in distribution, few or absent from r1, r2, and c+sc; medium long setae on ventral margin and medium short to short setae on veins and dorsal margin. Antennae short (ratio AL:HW 0.95–1.00), terminal 3 segments darker brown (Figs 5A–B); genal processes relatively short (GP < 0.35 mm, ratio HW:GP > 1.70), not or only slightly upturned at apices (Fig. 5A); short to minute setae on vertex and thorax. Meracanthus small (Fig. 5H), genual spine reduced or absent (Fig. 5I). Female terminalia (Fig. 5D–F): proctiger dorsal surface strongly convex apically, apex broad, blunt, bearing medial cleft and fringed with stout setae (Fig. 5E), anal ring long (ratio FP:RL 1.82), with head compartment at proximal end, distal portion of ring margin smooth; subgenital plate slightly convex with short medial cleft with beak and membrane extended (Fig. 5F).

Swezeyana hawaiiensis sp. n. (female). A head and antenna B antenna C proboscis D proctiger, dorso-lateral view showing anal ring (outlined) E detail of apex of proctiger showing medial cleft and fringe of apical setae (indicated) F female subgenital plate (ventral view) with apical beak and membrane outlined G hind leg H small but distinct meracanthus (indicated) I base of hind tibia (highly reduced genual spine indicated) J detail of atypical 1+3 (indicated) arrangement of sclerotized apical metatibia spurs K fore wing, with interior edge of ventral margin outlined.

Egg. Unknown.

Immature. Free-living immatures were observed mostly on the upper, but also on the lower, leaf surfaces. Specimens collected were unfortunately lost during specimen shipping.

Host plant.

Planchonella sandwicensis.


Hawaii. Only known from PuuWaaWaa area.


Named for its distribution on the island of Hawaii (adjective in the nominative singular).


This species was collected from the same individual host tree as S. rubra; both species are in the elongagena group but are easily separated in the field due to general body colour and a distinctly patterned fore wing in S. rubra; both species have comparatively short genal processes as well as the shortest antennae in the genus (subequal to head width). The molecular topology places these as sister taxa, but without bootstrap support. Males with the same collection data as females were unfortunately lost during specimen shipping.

Material examined.

Holotype female (slide mounted), PuuWaaWaa, Hawaii, USA, N19.784, W-155.833, 820m, ex Planchonella sandwicensis, 29 July 2002, “440A-02” D. Percy leg. (BMNH). Paratype (slide mounted) 1f, as for holotype (BMNH).

Gene sequences.

MG988835 (COI) MG989155 (cytB) (440A-02).

Fore wings of nine Swezeyana species: A S. elongagena (male) B S. oahuensis (male) C S. atra (male) D S. magna (male) E S. hawaiiensis (female) F S. magnaccai (male) G S. reticulata (male above, female below) H S. tentaculata (male above, female below) I S. rubra (male above, female below). Scale bars: 1 mm.