Dear Professor Robinson
re Paper 01/2589 - The accuracy of a single question in screening for depression....
Thank you for you providing the helpful comments of the statistician I have endeavoured to address the requested issues including:
clarification of RCT and groups rationale for week 2
numbers correctly attributed (stats adjusted accordingly)
cut off for MADRS included
95% CIs included for not only ppv and npv, but also sensitivity, specificity and accuracy
"Word" count now 626, although I think this is inflated by numerical values.
I hope I have successfully addressed these issues
I look forward to hearing from you
Caroline Watkins (et al)
University of Manchester
Email: caroline.watkins{at}man.ac.uk
BMJ Editorial Office,
BMA House,
Tavistock Square,
2 April, 2001
Dear Sir or Madam:
Re: Paper 002589, Screening for depression after stroke: how useful is it to ask a single question?
As requested, this is being resubmitted as a short report
New title: The accuracy of a single question in screening for depression in a cohort of post-stroke patients
In accordance with your instructions, the format of the paper has been extensively revised:
Title page lay out according to advice
The design has been added to the title
Information on contributors and guarantor has been added before the references
The source of funding had been acknowledged
The declaration of competing interests has been completed
Abbreviations have been removed
Word count reduced to exactly 600 words and includes only 1 Table
References reduced to less than 5 and altered to correct Vancouver style
Yours Sincerely,
Caroline Watkins
Corresponding author