AnimaliaScorpionesChactidaeYthierEricA synopsis of the scorpion fauna of French Guiana, with description of four new speciesZookeys5620182018764279010.3897/zookeys.764.25108 Brotheas gervaisii Pocock, 1893Fig. 23References.

Pocock 1893a, Pocock 1897, Lourenço 1983, Lourenço 1997b, Fet et al. 2000, Lourenço 2002a, Stockmann and Ythier 2010.


Downstream from Saut Pararé on Arataye river, Approuague tributary, one female, MNHNRS7389, two males, MNHNRS7390, J.P. Gasc coll., IVV/1979. Cayenne, La Chaumière, one male, MNHNRS8507, J. Orvoen coll., V/1977. Cayenne, Mont Bourda, one female, deposited in the RNA, J. Chevalier & B. Tan coll., 09/VII/2017. Coswine river, under flooded wood log, two males and five females, MNHN-RS8297, J. Fretey coll., 16/V/1977. Upper Oyapock, Upper Camopi, Upstream Saül, Yanioué, one male, MNHNRS3295, mission E. Aubert de la Rüe coll., II/1949. Saül, one female, MNHNRS3320, mission E. Aubert de la Rüe coll. Saül, two females, MNHNRS5288, A.S. Balachowsky coll., 27/X/1969. Saül, one female, deposited in the MHNG, W. Lourenço leg., 23/VII/1987. Saül, one male juvenile, deposited in the MHNG, W. Lourenço leg., 16/VII/1986. Saül, Belvédère, one male, deposited in the RNA, J. Chevalier, B. Tan & R. Legallic coll., 21–22/VIII/2017. Saut Hermina, banks of Maroni River, three males, MNHNRS3316, H. Lourtau coll., 1901. St. Jean du Maroni, two males, one female and six immatures, MNHNRS3306, R. Benoist coll., 1914. Cacao, F-T-574, one male, deposited in the MHNG, T. Freitag coll., XII/1988. Cacao, one male and one female, deposited in the MHNG, W. Lourenço leg., II/1989. Cacao, one female, deposited in the MHNG, Chippaux coll., X/1983. Regina-St. Georges future road, DZ3, one male, deposited in the MHNG, Marty coll., I/1991. Trinité reserve, Aya river, UV collected, on the ground, three females, deposited in the MNHN, C. Courtial coll., XII/2010. Matoury, one female, deposited in the EYPC, EY0041, E. Ythier coll., 25/IX/2005. Matoury, one female and two immatures, deposited in the EYPC, EY0034, E. Ythier coll., 03–11/XI/2010. Fourgassier, one immature, deposited in the EYPC, EY0036, E. Ythier coll., 03–11/XI/2010. Rorota, one immature, deposited in the EYPC, EY0040, E. Ythier & G. Roy coll., 14–22/I/2015. Apatou, Crevette river, one male, deposited in the RNA, J. Chevalier & P. Gallier coll., 30/VI/2017. Awala Yalimapo, Kanawa path, three males, deposited in the RNA, J. Chevalier coll., XI/2017. Awala Yalimapo, Kanawa path, one male, deposited in the RNA, J. Chevalier coll., 03/VIII/2017. Mana, path of the Forêt des Sables Blancs, one male, deposited in the RNA, J. Chevalier & B. Tan coll., 08/VII/2017. Guyane, one male and one female, MNHNRS0741, Lafon coll., 1872. Guyane, one female, MNHNRS3308, Le Moult coll., 1910. Guyane, one male, MNHNRS0747. Guyane, one male and one female, MNHNRS0748. Guyane, one female, MNHNRS3011. Guyane, one female, MNHNRS0737, F. Geay coll., 1900. Guyane, one male, MNHNRS0739, Cavalier coll., 1889.


Species of small to moderate size when compared with the average size of the other species within the genus, ranging from 50 to 57 mm in total length. General coloration brown to reddish brown. Carapace reddish brown with several black spots corresponding to the granules; ocular tubercle dark, almost black. Tergites paler than the carapace, with distal edge blackish. Sternites reddish with a lighter area, yellowish, at the center of sternites IV and V; pectines and genital operculum yellow ochre. Metasomal segments of same color as the tergites. Vesicle reddish yellow with basis of aculeus reddish and tip of aculeus reddish black. Chelicerae yellowish with longitudinal brown spots, weakly marked; fingers reddish. Pedipalps reddish with blackish pigmentation on carinae. Legs yellowish with several brown spots. Carapace slightly emarginated, almost straight; almost smooth, with few minute granules only on lateral areas; punctate. Tergites almost smooth, with scattered minute granulations. Pectinal tooth count ranging from eight to eleven in male and six to nine in female. Sternites smooth, punctate; spiracles linear, elongated. All metasomal segments with dorsal, latero-dorsal and latero-ventral carinae well-marked; other carinae weakly marked or absent; intercarinal tegument punctate; segment V with spinoid granulations ventrally. Vesicle moderately granular; aculeus short compared to vesicle. Pedipalp femur with five well-marked carinae; patella with three carinae, chela with two carinae; femur and patella moderately granulated; chela well granulated on dorsal and internal sides; dentate margins on movable fingers with six slightly oblique rows of granules, separated by stronger accessory granules.

Brotheas gervaisii, male from Matoury.

PocockRI (1893a) A contribution to the study of neotropical scorpions. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. 6, 12: 77–103. PocockRI (1897) Report upon the scorpiones and pedipalpi obtained on the Lower Amazons by Messrs E. E. Austen and F. Pickard-Cambridge during the trip of Mr Siemens Steamship ‘Faraday’. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. 6, 19: 357–368. LourençoWR (1983) La faune des scorpions de Guyane française. Bulletin du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, 4e sér. 5 (A3): 771–808. LourençoWR (1997b) Additions à la faune de scorpions néotropicaux (Arachnida). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 104(3): 687604. FetVSissomWDLoweGBraunwalderME (2000) Catalog of the Scorpions of the World (1758–1998). New York, New York Ento-mological Society, 690 pp. LourençoWR (2002a) Scorpions of Brazil. Les Editions de l’IF, Paris, 320 pp. StockmannRYthierE (2010) Scorpions of the World. NAP Editions, Paris, 572 pp.