AnimaliaScorpionesButhidaeYthierEricA synopsis of the scorpion fauna of French Guiana, with description of four new speciesZookeys5620182018764279010.3897/zookeys.764.25108 Ananteris polleti Lourenço, 2016Fig. 6References.

Lourenço 2016b.


Mitaraka massif, 433 m, tropical moist forest, in plateau, one male (holotype), deposited in the MNHN, MNHN/PNI Guyane 2015 (APA 973-1), M. Pollet coll., 2–8/III/2015. Mitaraka massif, 352 m, tropical moist forest, in slope, one male (paratype), deposited in the MNHN, MNHN/PNI Guyane 2015 (APA 973-1), M. Pollet coll., 25/II/2015–3/III/2015.


Species of small size compared to the average size of the other species within the genus (14.7 mm in total length for male holotype). General coloration yellow to brownish yellow with brown to dark brown variegated pigmented zones on the carapace, the tergites, and the appendages. Carapace yellow with dark brown spots on anterior, lateral and posterior edges; eyes surrounded by black pigment. Mesosoma yellow with confluent brownish zones on posterior and lateral edges of tergites. Venter yellow to pale yellow; coxapophysis and sternites infuscate. Metasomal segments I to V yellow; all segments marked with diffused brown spots. Vesicle yellow marbled with light brown zones; base of aculeus yellow, tip reddish. Chelicerae yellow with variegated blackish spots over the entire surface; fingers with blackish spots; teeth yellow. Pedipalps yellow; femur, patella, and chela strongly marked with dark brown spots; chela hand and fingers dark brown. Legs yellow, intensely marked with dark brown spots. Carapace with moderately to strongly marked granulation; anterior margin almost straight; all furrows moderate to weak. Tergites with moderately to strongly marked granulation, similar to that of carapace; median carina moderately to weakly marked on all tergites. Pectines small; pectinal tooth count 11–11 to 12–12 in male. Sternites smooth; only VII slightly granular; spiracles rather short; setation moderate; sternite VII with very weakly marked carinae and granulation. Metasomal segments I to III with ten crenulate carinae; segment IV with eight crenulate carinae; segment V slightly rounded and smooth, with vestigial carinae; intercarinal spaces moderately granular on all segments; dorsal and latero-dorsal carinae on segments II to IV with 3–4 posterior spinoid granules. Telson elongate and smooth; aculeus short and weakly curved; subaculear tooth strongly marked and spinoid. Pedipalps moderately short; femur pentacarinate; patella and chela with weak to vestigial carinae; internal side of patella with only vestigial spinoid granules; all sides weakly granular, almost smooth; fixed and movable fingers with six, almost linear, rows of granules; two small external and one internal accessory granule present at the base of each row; three granules at the extremity of the fingers. Leg tarsus with very numerous, fine, median setae ventrally; tibial spurs strongly developed on legs III and IV.

Ananteris polleti, male holotype from Mitaraka (photo MNHN / E.-A. Leguin; 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS).

LourençoWR (2016b) Scorpions from the Mitaraka Massif in French Guiana II. Description of one new species of Ananteris Thorell, 1891 (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Comptes Rendus Biologies 339: 214221.