Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Supplementary Methods
- fig. S1. Isothermal titration calorimetry analysis of the Aβ42/S100B interaction.
- fig. S2. BLI analysis of the Aβ42/S100B interaction.
- fig. S3. CD analysis of the Aβ42/S100B interaction in the absence of CaCl2.
- fig. S4. SAXS analysis of the Aβ42/S100B complex.
- fig. S5. Effect of apo-S100B over Aβ42 aggregation in a fragmentation-dominated regime.
- fig. S6. Effect of Ca2+-S100B over Aβ42 aggregation in a fragmentation-dominated regime.
- fig. S7. S100B inhibits Aβ25–35 aggregation.
- fig. S8. Dot blot analysis of Aβ42 aggregates formed in the presence of S100B.
- fig. S9. TEM images of Aβ aggregates formed in the presence and absence of S100B.
- fig. S10. S100B accumulates at high levels around plaques in AD mice brains.
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