Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- fig. S1. The SEM images of the as-grown perovskite single-crystal film.
- fig. S2. Optical microscopy image and AFM image of the perovskite single-crystal film.
- fig. S3. Synchrotron-radiated single-crystal XRD analysis.
- fig. S4. EDS mappings of the perovskite single-crystal films.
- fig. S5. Powder XRD patterns of the perovskite single-crystal films.
- fig. S6. Optical microscopy images of the seed crystal regions.
- fig. S7. Scalable fabrication of perovskite single-crystal films.
- fig. S8. Perovskite single-crystal film growth process.
- fig. S9. The height profiles of perovskite single-crystal films with different thicknesses.
- fig. S10. Responsivity as a function of incident light intensity.
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