Relative abundance of the 70 OTUs in sewage and animal clone libraries (cats, dogs, pigs, and cows) (Fig. S1); sewage indicator candidates of over 90% host specificity and sensitivity chosen by “Indicspecies” (Fig. S2); list of the top 40 Lachnospiraceae isolate fecal marker candidates (Fig. S3); positions of Lachno3 and Lachno12 assay primers and probes using a Lachnospiraceae reference sequence (Fig. S4); quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay slopes, y intercepts, R2, and efficiencies (Table S1); and Lachno3 and Lachno12 assay qPCR validation results (Table S2).
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Sources and quantitative PCR results for samples (Data Set S1).
Sequence distributions in OTUs from sewage, cat, dog, cow, and pig clone libraries (Data Set S2).
Top 100 abundant Lachnospiraceae V6 sequences in sewage and 9 different animal hosts (Data Set S3).
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