Human-Associated Lachnospiraceae Genetic Markers Improve Detection of Fecal Pollution Sources in Urban Waters

Supplemental material

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Relative abundance of the 70 OTUs in sewage and animal clone libraries (cats, dogs, pigs, and cows) (Fig. S1); sewage indicator candidates of over 90% host specificity and sensitivity chosen by “Indicspecies” (Fig. S2); list of the top 40 Lachnospiraceae isolate fecal marker candidates (Fig. S3); positions of Lachno3 and Lachno12 assay primers and probes using a Lachnospiraceae reference sequence (Fig. S4); quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay slopes, y intercepts, R2, and efficiencies (Table S1); and Lachno3 and Lachno12 assay qPCR validation results (Table S2).

    PDF, 2.5M

  • Supplemental file 2 -

    Sources and quantitative PCR results for samples (Data Set S1).

    XLSX, 43K

  • Supplemental file 3 -

    Sequence distributions in OTUs from sewage, cat, dog, cow, and pig clone libraries (Data Set S2).

    XLSX, 30K

  • Supplemental file 4 -

    Top 100 abundant Lachnospiraceae V6 sequences in sewage and 9 different animal hosts (Data Set S3).

    XLSX, 1.1M