Fig. S1. The discovery of DIK-1-1f by D. Geraads on 21 January 2002 during excavation at DIK-1 locality.
Fig. S2. DIK-1-1f in various views.
Fig. S3. Talus ontogeny in apes, humans, and A. afarensis.
Fig. S4. Calcaneal ontogeny in apes, humans, and A. afarensis.
Fig. S5. Medial cuneiform ontogeny in apes, humans, and A. afarensis.
Fig. S6. Cuboid ontogeny in apes, humans, and A. afarensis.
Fig. S7. A clean section through the metatarsal shafts of the articulated DIK-1-1f shows the transverse arch of this foot.
Fig. S8. Compared to the apes, humans have proximodistally elongated cuneiforms.
Fig. S9. The calcaneus, talus, navicular, and medial cuneiform have been rearticulated in a human, chimpanzee, gorilla, DIK-1-1f, and a composite Hadar foot.
Fig. S10. Metatarsal base ontogeny in apes, humans, and A. afarensis.