##gff-version 3 ##sequence-region 10 1 133797422 10 Ensembl gene 114239330 114291513 . + . ID=ENSG00000165816;Name=ENSG00000165816;biotype=protein_coding 10 Ensembl transcript 114239330 114291513 . + . ID=ENST00000392982;Name=ENST00000392982;Parent=ENSG00000165816;biotype=protein_coding 10 Ensembl exon 114239330 114239569 . + . Name=ENSE00001369253;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl exon 114248704 114248765 . + . Name=ENSE00003663321;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl exon 114253651 114253725 . + . Name=ENSE00003550071;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl exon 114254915 114255048 . + . Name=ENSE00003521910;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl exon 114261186 114261295 . + . Name=ENSE00003672089;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl exon 114272740 114272934 . + . Name=ENSE00003516409;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl exon 114277914 114278047 . + . Name=ENSE00003686850;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl exon 114278719 114278851 . + . Name=ENSE00003631480;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl exon 114282516 114282571 . + . Name=ENSE00003473205;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl exon 114284863 114284970 . + . Name=ENSE00003543392;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl exon 114285939 114286511 . + . Name=ENSE00003514201;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl exon 114288938 114289489 . + . Name=ENSE00001449373;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl exon 114290240 114290365 . + . Name=ENSE00001449371;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl exon 114291218 114291513 . + . Name=ENSE00001613715;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl CDS 114248714 114248765 . + 0 Name=ENSP00000376708;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl CDS 114253651 114253725 . + 2 Name=ENSP00000376708;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl CDS 114254915 114255048 . + 2 Name=ENSP00000376708;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl CDS 114261186 114261295 . + 0 Name=ENSP00000376708;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl CDS 114272740 114272934 . + 1 Name=ENSP00000376708;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl CDS 114277914 114278047 . + 1 Name=ENSP00000376708;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl CDS 114278719 114278851 . + 2 Name=ENSP00000376708;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl CDS 114282516 114282571 . + 1 Name=ENSP00000376708;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl CDS 114284863 114284970 . + 2 Name=ENSP00000376708;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl CDS 114285939 114286511 . + 2 Name=ENSP00000376708;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl CDS 114288938 114289489 . + 2 Name=ENSP00000376708;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl CDS 114290240 114290365 . + 2 Name=ENSP00000376708;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 Ensembl CDS 114291218 114291237 . + 2 Name=ENSP00000376708;Parent=ENST00000392982 10 . primer 114239148 114239169 . + . Name=PB45;Note=anneals on the + strand after bisulfite conversion 10 . PCR_product 114239148 114239447 . . . Name=PCR region 1 10 . primer 114239423 114239447 . - . Name=PB46;Note=anneals on the reverse complementary of the + strand after bisulfite conversion 10 . primer 114239424 114239447 . + . Name=P65;Note=anneals on the + strand after bisulfite conversion 10 . PCR_product 114239424 114239920 . . . Name=PCR region 2 10 . TF_binding_site 114239444 114239455 . . . Name=E-box 10 . primer 114239867 114239886 . - . Name=P67 10 . primer 114239898 114239917 . + . Name=P159;Note=anneals on the + strand after bisulfite conversion 10 . PCR_product 114239898 114240073 . . . Name=PCR region 3 10 . primer 114239900 114239920 . - . Name=P68;Note=anneals on the reverse complementary of the + strand after bisulfite conversion 10 . nuclease_binding_site 114239966 114239973 . . . Name=NotI 10 . RFLP_fragment 114239966 114240060 . . . Name=MS-AFLP Band C-5 10 . primer 114240054 114240073 . - . Name=P162;Note=anneals on the reverse complementary of the + strand after bisulfite conversion 10 . primer 114240059 114240079 . + . Name=PB24;Note=anneals on the + strand after bisulfite conversion 10 . PCR_product 114240059 114240374 . . . Name=PCR region 4 10 . primer 114240352 114240374 . - . Name=PB25;Note=anneals on the reverse complementary of the + strand after bisulfite conversion 10 . primer 114278822 114278841 . + . Name=PB66;Note=GTGCTGGCTGCACACTGTC 10 . primer 114284907 114284927 . - . Name=PB67;Note=GTAGCCGTCCAGTCCTTCTG 10 . primer 114248756 114248765 . + . ID=PB271;Name=PB271;Note=TTTTCCAGAGTGCCCCCATC;Note=anneals on exons 2-3 junction 10 . primer 114253651 114253660 . + . ID=PB271;Name=PB271;Note=TTTTCCAGAGTGCCCCCATC;Note=anneals on exons 2-3 junction 10 . primer 114255014 114255033 . - . Name=PB272;Note=GTCCAGACCGTCACAGACTG 10 . primer 114248717 114248737 . + . Name=PB273;Note=CCCCTTTCCTGTTGCTGGAA 10 . primer 114254971 114254990 . - . Name=PB274;Note=TCAAAGCTCCCTTTCCCGAC 12 . primer 6534838 6534855 . + . Name=GAPDH-F; Note=GAAGGTGAAGGTCGGAGT 12 . primer 6536765 6536785 . - . Name=GAPDH-R; Note=GAAGATGGTGATGGGATTTC 13 . primer 45340121 45340139 . + . Name=TPT1-R;Note=GATCGCGGACGGGTTGT 13 . primer 45340731 45340748 . - . Name=TPT1-F;Note=TTCAGCGGAGGCATTTCC 10 Ensmbl CpG_island 114239250 114239844 . . . Name=CGI 10 Eponine TSS 114239371 114239376 . . . Name=TSS predicted by eponine 10 Ensmbl TSS 114239330 114239331 . . . Name=TSS (ENSMBL)