Supporting information for Rasband et al. (2001) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98 (23), 1337313378. (10.1073/pnas.231376298)
Fig. 6.
Because the functional properties of Kv1 K+ channels can be altered dramatically by assembly with cytoplasmic Kvb subunits, it is important to determine the expression patterns of specific Kvb subunits that would contribute to the diversity of K+ currents observed in DRG. We therefore examined the expression of Kvb1.1, Kvb1.2, and Kvb2.1 in DRG cryosections by immunolabeling with subtype-specific antibodies. We found that neither Kvb1.1 nor Kvb1.2 were expressed at detectable levels in DRG neurons, but that Kvb2.1 was detected and most abundant in medium- and large-diameter cells (Fig. 2, mean diameter = 36 ± 10 µm).