Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Fig. S1. Expression and purification of LmrA proteins.
- Fig. S2. Peptide coverage maps from the Mascot LC-MS/MS database search results.
- Fig. S3. Ion binding sites in LmrA.
- Fig. S4. Binding sites for Na+ and Cl− in example proteins.
- Fig. S5. Expression and purification of LmrA-N137A mutant protein.
- Fig. S6. Conservation of residue N137 in ABC multidrug transporters.
- Table S1. Mascot search results for mass spectrometry data for purified LmrA-WT.
- Table S2. Mascot search results for mass spectrometry data for purified LmrA-ΔK388.
- Table S3. Speciation of HEPES at pH 6.5 as a function of the HEPES concentration.
- Data analysis S1. Determination of Erev values and ion stoichiometry.
- Data analysis S2. Comparisons of ion transport models.
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