AnimaliaBlattodeaBlaberidaeWangZhenzhenZhaoQiongyaoLiWeijunCheYanliWangZongqingEstablishment of a new genus, Brephallus Wang et al., gen. nov. (Blattodea, Blaberidae, Epilamprinae) based on two species from Pseudophoraspis, with details of polymorphism in species of PseudophoraspisZookeys1992018201878511713110.3897/zookeys.785.26565 Pseudophoraspis Kirby, 1903Figures 2G–R, 3A–E, 4A–C, 4F, 5A–FType species:

Epilampranebulosa Burmeister, 1838.

The species P.clavellata and P.recurvata exhibit sexual dimorphism (male with developed tegmina and wings, females with tegmina reduced to lateral scales and wings absent) (Figure 2G–N); therefore, we provide below supplementary information on the nymphs and females.

Generic description.

Body slender, general color yellowish brown, head entirely covered by pronotum. Pronotum with numerous brown spots, smooth, without or with scattered punctuation. Male with fully-developed tegmina and wings, female with tegmina reduced to lateral scales without wings or with fully-developed tegmina and wings (Figure 2G–R). Hind metatarsus shorter than other tarsal segments combined, with small apical euplantulae along its lower margin, with spinules, euplantulae occupying less than half of its length, with two equal rows of spines along most of its length. Tarsal claws symmetrical and unspecialized. Supra-anal plate semicircular, meso-posterior margin emarginate (Figure 4F).

Male genitalia (Figure 4A–C). Right phallomere with well-developed caudal sclerite, R1T subrectangular in shape (Figure 4A–C “c.p.R1T”), R2 rounded, R3 weakly sclerotized, without branch, narrowed caudally. Sclerite L2D divided into basal and apical parts, basal part rod-like, apical part with well-developed apical outgrowth (Figure 4A–C “a.L2D”), with bristles. Sclerite L3 with apex pointed and folded structure scattered with bristles (Figure 4A–Cf.s.”).


Wang et al. (2013) subdivided the Chinese Pseudophoraspis into two species groups: the fruhstorferi group and the gorochovi group, but the latter lacked information on females. The fruhstorferi group currently includes three species: P.fruhstorferi Shelford, 1910, P.tramlapensis Anisyutkin, 1999 and P.kabakovi Anisyutkin, 1999. Because we have transferred the former two species to the new genus, Brephallus Wang et al., gen. n., the fruhstorferi group is renamed as nebulosa group. Some diagnostic characters between the nebulosa group and the gorochovi group are shown in Table 3.

Diagnostic morphological characters among Brephallus Wang et al., gen. n., the nebulosa group and the gorochovi group of Pseudophoraspis.

Brephallus Wang et al., gen. n.0112010
Pseudophoraspisnebulosa group0100101
Pseudophoraspisgorochovi group1001101

I depressions and punctuation on pronotum present (1), absent (0) II females with tegmina and wings fully-developed (1), tegmina reduced to lateral scales without wings (0) III male tegmina about twice as long as broad (1), tegmina length more than twice as broad (0) IV facial part of head with large brown spot from ocellus to clypeus, basal margin of ocellus with brown spot (2), vertex to basal margin of ocellus with brown spot (1), inside and basal margin of ocellus with brown round spot (0) V female supra-anal plate with posterior margin distinctly exceeding posterior margin of subgenital plate (1), not beyond (0)VI R3 well-developed, widened caudally and fused with R5 of right phallomere (1), R3 not widened caudally and fused with R5 (0) VII the apical part of sclerite L2D with well-developed apical outgrowth (1), without (0)

The mean interspecific sequence divergence among the three Pseudophoraspis members ranged from 4.1% to 9.0% (Table 4), but there are distinguishing differences among them, as described below.

The variance of the underlying distribution of distances calculated by using K 2–P model and bootstrap method respectively in MEGA.

Species B. fruhstorferi B. tramlapensis P. kabakovi P. clavellata P. recurvata
Brephallus fruhstorferi
Brephallus tramlapensis 0.041±0.007
P. kabakovi 0.188±0.0180.172±0.017
P. clavellata 0.174±0.0170.152±0.0160.090±0.012
P. recurvata 0.171±0.0170.157±0.0160.087±0.0110.041±0.008

A–DBrephallusfruhstorferi (Shelford, 1910) comb. nov. (male A–B female C–D) E–FBrephallustramlapensis (Anisyutkin, 1999) comb. nov. (male) G–JP.recurvata (male G–H female I–J) K–NP.clavellata (male K–L female M–N) O–RP.kabakovi (male O–P female Q–R). Scale bars = 10 mm (A–F) Scale bars = 5 mm (G–R).

A–BP.kabakovi (nymph) scale bars = 5 mm C–DP.clavellata (nymph) E abdomen of female of P.clavellataF–GBrephallusfruhstorferi (Shelford, 1910) comb. nov. (nymph).

Male genitalia of Pseudophoraspis and Brephallus Wang et al., gen. nov. AP.recurvataBP.clavellataCP.kabakoviDBrephallusfruhstorferi (Shelford, 1910) comb. nov. EBrephallustramlapensis (Anisyutkin, 1999) comb. nov. F supra-anal plate of P.recurvataG supra-anal plate of Brephallustramlapensis (Anisyutkin, 1999) comb. nov. (Scale bars = 1 mm).

A female of P.recurvata from Hainan Province. This specimen, collected as a nymph in 8 April 2015, was reared at Southwest University by Lu Qiu and adult emergence occurred in 21 May 2015 B male of P.recurvata from Hainan Province C male of P.clavellata from Yunnan Province D habitat of P.clavellataE male of P.kabakovi from Yunnan Province F female of P.kabakovi from Yunnan Province. A–F Photographed by Lu Qiu G–HBrephallusfruhstorferi (Shelford, 1910) comb. nov. from Hainan Province (Photographed by Xin-Ran Li).

WangZQWuKLCheYL (2013) New record of the cockroach genus Pseudophoraspis (Blaberidae, Epilamprinae) from China with descriptions of three new species.ZooKeys273: 114.