Supplemental Data
Supplemental Data
- Supplemental Figures, Tables, Video Files, Raw and Processed Peptide Data
Native VDAC1 molecular dynamics simulation
- Video file on native VDAC molecular dynamics simulation
Glutathionylated VDAC1 molecular dynamics simulation
- Video file: Glutathionylated VDAC1 molecular dynamics simulation
Vehicle treated peptide data
- Raw peptide data
Vehicle treated peptide data
- Raw peptide data
Vehicle treated peptide data
- Raw peptide data
APAP treated peptide data
- Raw peptide data
APAP treated peptide data
- Raw peptide data
APAP treated peptide data
- Raw peptide data
APAP treated peptide data
- Raw peptide data
APAP treated peptide data
- Raw peptide data
APAP treated peptide data
- Raw peptide data
APAP treated peptide data
- Raw peptide data
APAP treated peptide data
- Raw peptide data
APAP treated peptide data
- Raw peptide data
APAP treated peptide data
- Raw pepetide data
APAP treated peptide data
- Raw peptide data
APAP treated peptide data
- Raw peptide data
APAP treated peptide data
- Raw peptide data
APAP treated peptide data
- Raw peptide data
APAP treated peptide data
- Raw peptide data
APAP treated peptide data
- Raw peptide data
APAP treated peptide data
- Raw peptide data
APAP treated peptide data
- Raw peptide data
Masterlist of all peptide identifications
- Masterlist of all peptide identifications
H:L treated/control ratio for 0.5 mM APAP 3 h
- Quantitative H:L ratio data
H:L treated/control ratio for 0.5 mM APAP+DEDC 3 h
- Quantitative H:L ratio data
H:L treated/control ratio for 30 mM APAP 3 h
- Quantitative H:L ratio data
H:L treated/control ratio for 30 mM APAP 6 h
- Quantitative H:L ratio data
H:L treated/control ratio for 30 mM APAP 12 h
- Quantitative H:L ratio data
H:L treated/control ratio for 30 mM APAP 24 h
- Quantitative H:L ratio data
H:L ratio for averaged vehicle treated control
- Quantitative H:L ratio data