The PDF file includes:
- Fig. S1. Examples of tail direction during a courtship display in which a male is courting a female.
- Fig. S2. Protocol design and schematic views of the apparatus used in this experiment.
- Fig. S3. Cumulative number of pairs that performed duet or solo multimodal displays in the four experimental conditions.
- Table S1. The list of subject birds that performed multimodal displays when their partner stayed nearby and the percentage of the dance bouts with tail angling.
- Table S2. Results of the same analysis as in Table 2 after eliminating the data from the five pairs whose two audience conditions were conducted on the same day.
- Table S3. Results of the same analysis as in Table 2 after eliminating the data from two pairs in which male audience birds danced during the experiment.
- Legend for movie S1
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Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following:
- Movie S1 (.mp4 format). Male blue-capped cordon-bleu courtship display directed to its partner in the presence of a female audience.