Processing 2.1.1 sketches to generate the sort of figures seen in Error Bars Considered Harmful: Exploring Alternate Encodings for Mean and Error by Correll and Gleicher. Also included are the data tables for this experiment, stored in excel spreadsheets. Column names have been annotated to reflect their function. The main sketch is ChartTest.pde: run it to generate all figures from the paper excluding 1,3, and 6. The sketch requires the apache commons math library, available at To generate your own charts, make a new Chart object, setup a y-axis, and add bar charts, dot plots, gradient plots, or violin plots to the chart. Currently a ``margin of error'' - half the extent of a 95% t-confidence interval - is the only sort of error bar supported. Some relevant method definitions: protected Chart(int x,int y, int w, int h) - constructor for a Chart object. Note that the width and height of the chart does not include labels, only the x and y axes and their contents. protected Bar(float value, color barColor, float margin, int n) - constructor for a Bar object, which is added to a chart with Chart.addChartObject. Other supported graph types (including gradient plots and violin plots) have identical constructors. Value is the sample mean, margin is one half the 95% t-confidence interval, and n is the population size.