Supplemental Data
- Table S1 - Yeast strains used in this study.
- Table S2 - Primers used in this study.
- Table S3 - Acetyl-CoA profiling of wt and naa10Δ yeast strains using MS.
- Table S4 to S6 - Table S4: Complete list of annotated and alternative N-termini identified in six different metabolic conditions and their N-terminal acetylation status. Table S5: List of Nt-acetylation affected annotated true N-termini Table S6: List of Nt-acetylation affected alternative N-termini.
- Tables S7 to S9 - Table S7: Complete list of 2,707 yeast proteins identified by shotgun proteomics using LC-MS/MS. Table S8: List of 1,918 quantified yeast proteins (quantified = proteins with at least 3 valid LFQ intensity values in one of the 6 conditions). Table S9: List of 401 significantly regulated proteins clustered after ANOVA analysis.
- Table S10 - Complete list of differentially acetylated N-termini with protein abundance data from shotgun analysis.