AnimaliaMelanosporalesCeratostomataceaeMarin-FelixYasminaGuarroJosepano-LiraJosé F.GarcíaDaniaillerAndrew N.StchigelAlberto M.Melanospora (Sordariomycetes, Ascomycota) and its relativesMycoKeys181220182018448112210.3897/mycokeys.44.29742 Dactylidispora 812079 Y. Marín, Stchigel, Guarro & Canogen. nov.Type species.

Dactylidisporaellipsospora (Takada) Y. Marín, Stchigel, Guarro & Cano. Holotype and ex-type strain: NBRC 31376.


Ascomata superficial, globose to pyriform, ostiolate or not, yellowish-brown, appearing dark brown when the ascospores are mature, glabrous or setose; necks cellular, short, conical, with a crown of setae surrounding the ostiole; ascomatal wall membranaceous, of textura angularis. Paraphyses absent. Asci 8-spored, broadly clavate, short-stipitate, without apical structures, evanescent. Ascospores one-celled, at first hyaline, becoming brown to dark brown when mature, fusiform or citriform, umbonate and truncate at the ends, smooth-walled, with one germ pore at each end; germ pores depressed, surrounded by a raised rim. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells phialidic, solitary, flask-shaped. Conidia hyaline, subglobose to ovoid, smooth-walled.


From Greek δακτυλίδης–, ring, and from Latin –spora, spore, due to the raised rim that surrounds the germ pores of the ascospores.


The most distinctive characteristic of Dactylidispora is the production of smooth-walled ascospores with a germ pore at each end surrounded by a raised rim. Vittatispora, proposed as a new genus by Chaudhary et al. (2006), also produces a raised rim surrounding the germ pores. However, both genera can be easily distinguished by the nature of the ascomatal neck, which is composed of angular cells in Dactylidispora and of parallel arranged hyphae in Vittatispora; and by the presence of a hyaline ridge running the entire vertical length of the ascospore between the germ pores in Vittatispora. Moreover, in our phylogenetic study (Fig. 2), Vittatispora also constituted a lineage independent from the other members of the Melanosporales. Pustulipora is also morphologically similar to Dactylidispora being characterized by blistered, rarely cushion-like structures surrounding the germ pore (Cannon 1982). However, unfortunately, Pustulipora could not be included into this phylogenetic study since living cultures were not available.

The presence of a raised rim was also described in Melanosporacollipora (Stchigel et al. 1997), which is here transfered to Dactylidispora even though it was not possible to include this species in the phylogenetic study.

RAxML phylogram obtained from the combined ITS, LSU, act and tef1 sequences of our isolates and type and reference strains of the order Melanosporales. Nectriacinnabarina and Pseudallescheriafusoidea were used as outgroup. RAxML bootstrap support (BS) values above 70 % and Bayesian posterior probability scores above 0.95 are shown at the nodes. GenBank accession numbers are indicated in Table 1. Type strains of the different species are indicated with T.

Isolates and reference strains of members of Melanosporales included in the combined phylogenetic study.

TaxaStrainSourceGenBank accession number
LSU ITS act tef1
Dactylidispora ellipsospora NBRC 31376TForest soil, Papua New Guinea, Buin, Bougainville Island KP981451 03137601* KP981545 KP981579
Dactylidispora singaporensis NBRC 30865TSoil, Singapore KP981452 03086502* KP981546 KP981580
Echinusitheca citrispora CBS 137837T = FMR 12767TForest soil, USA, North Carolina, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Cataloochee Creek Campground KP981453 KP981477 KP981547 KP981581
Nectria cinnabarina CBS 127383Austria, Niederösterreich, Litschau HM534894 HM534894 HM534873
Melanospora damnosa CBS 113681Soil, France, Pont d’Espagne KP981454 KP981478 KP981543 KP981582
Melanospora kurssanoviana NBRC 8098Unknown KP981455 KP981479 KP981548 KP981583
Melanospora verrucispora NBRC 31375TForest soil, Papua New Guinea, Kebil, Chimb Dist. KP981456 KP981480 KP981549 KP981584
Melanospora zamiae NBRC 7902Unknown KP981457 00790201* KP981544 KP981585
Microthecium ciliatum NBRC 9829Soil, unknown KP981458 KP981481 KP981524 KP981586
Microthecium compressum NBRC 8627Unkown KP981459 00862701* KP981525 KP981587
Microthecium fayodii FMR 12363Soil, Tennessee, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Cosby Creek trail KP981460 KP981482 KP981526 KP981588
Microthecium fimbriatum NBRC 8523Unknown KP981461 KP981483 KP981527 KP981589
Microthecium fimicola NBRC 8354Unknown KP981462 KP981484 KP981528 KP981590
FMR 5483Soil, Australia, Moara KP981463 KP981485 KP981529 KP981591
FMR 12370Soil, Spain, Gran Canaria KP981464 KP981486 KP981530 KP981592
FMR 13418Soil, Spain, Aragon, Los Valles Occidentales KP981465 KP981487 KP981531 KP981593
Microthecium fusisporum NBRC 8806Unknown KP981466 00880601* KP981532 KP981594
Microthecium japonicum FMR 12371Soil, Spain, Gran Canaria, Pico de Osorio KP981467 KP981488 KP981533 KP981595
Microthecium levitum FMR 6218 = CBS 966.97Soil, Nepal, Bhadgaon KP981468 KP981489 KP981534 KP981596
FMR 10098Soil, Nigeria, Enugu, Nsukka KP981469 KP981490 KP981535 KP981597
FMR 13884Soil, Spain, Catalonia, Vall Fosca KP981470 KP981491 KP981536 KP981598
Microthecium quadrangulatum CBS 112763TSoil, Spain, Asturias, Muniellos Biological Absolute Reserve KP981471 KP981492 KP981537 KP981599
Microthecium retisporum NBRC 8366Soil, Japan KP981472 00836601* KP981538 KP981600
Microthecium sepedonioides FMR 11933Forest soil, Spain, Aragón, valle de Ordesa KP981473 KP981493 KP981539 KP981601
Microthecium sp.FMR 6725 = CBS 102190Desert soil, Egypt, Sinai KP981474 KP981494 KP981540 KP981602
Microthecium sp.FMR 7183 = CBS 108937Forest soil, New South Wales, Sydney, Blue Mountains KP981475 KP981495 KP981541 KP981603
Microthecium tenuissimum CBS 112764TSoil, Spain, Murcia, Sierra de Espuña, Umbria de Peña Apartada KY628706 KY628705
Microthecium zobelii NBRC 9442Decaying carpophore of Coriolusflabelliformis KP981476 00944201* KP981542 KP981604
Pseudallescheria fusoidea CBS 106.53TSoil, Panama, Guipo EF151316 AY878941
Pseudomicrothecium subterraneum BJTC FAN1001TFrom Tuberindicum, China, Yunnan JN247804
Vittatispora coorgii BICC 7817TSoil, India, Western Ghats, Coorg District, Kakkabe DQ017375

BICC: Biocon culture collection, Bangalore, India; BJTC: Capital Normal University, Beijing, China; CBS: Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, Utrecht, the Netherlands; FMR: Facultat de Medicina, Reus, Spain; NBRC: Biological Resource Center, Chiba, Japan. T zindicates type strains. * sequences retrieved from NBRC database.

ChaudharyPCampbellJHawksworthDLSastryKN (2006) Vittatispora, a new melanosporaceous genus from Indian soil.Mycologia98(3): 460467. (1982) Pustulipora, a new genus of the Melanosporaceae.Mycotaxon15: 523528.StchigelAMGuarroJFiguerasMJ (1997) A new species of Melanospora from India.Mycological Research101(4): 446448.