AnimaliaMelanosporalesCeratostomataceaeMarin-FelixYasminaGuarroJosepano-LiraJosé F.GarcíaDaniaillerAndrew N.StchigelAlberto M.Melanospora (Sordariomycetes, Ascomycota) and its relativesMycoKeys181220182018448112210.3897/mycokeys.44.29742 Microthecium pegleri 812104 (D. Hawksw. & A. Henrici) Y. Marín, Stchigel, Guarro & Canocomb. nov. Melanospora pegleri D. Hawksw. & A. Henrici, Kew Bull. 54: 795. 1999. [Basionym]Notes.

Microtheciumpegleri is characterized by ostiolate ascomata, ellipsoidal to plano-convex, smooth-walled ascospores and presence of bulbils. For morphological comparison see Notes of Mi.brevirostratum.