PlantaeMagnolialesAnnonaceaeLissambouBrandet-JuniorHardyOlivier J.AttekeChristianeStevartTariqDaubyGillesMbatchiBertrandSonkeBonaventureCouvreurThomas L.P.Taxonomic revision of the African genus Greenwayodendron (Annonaceae)PhytoKeys311220182018114559310.3897/phytokeys.114.27395 Greenwayodendron oliveri (Engl) Verdc., Adansonia sér. 2, 9: 92. (1969).Fig. 7 Polyalthia oliveri Engl. & Prantl., Leipzig,W. Engelmann.160. (1897).Type.

IVORY COAST. Lagunes: Bagroo River, 1961, G.O. Mann 841 (lectotype, designated by Verdcourt 1969 p. 92, K![K000580895]; isolectotypes K![K000580894], P![P00363358]).

Greenwayodendronoliveri. A Leaves and inflorescence B Open flower C Inner petal D Androecium, male flower E Floral buds F–G Petals of a flower bud H Carpels and stamens I Leaves and fruits J Fruit section. Aubréville A (1936) La flore forestière de la Côte d’Ivoire, Volume 2. Larose, Paris, 296 p.

Tree 5–10 m tall, d.b.h. 3–25 cm. Young branches sparsely pubescent to glabrous, trichomes 0.1–0.2 mm long; old branches glabrous; Leaves: petiole 2.0–5.3 mm long, 1.0–2.3 mm in diameter, sparsely pubescent to glabrous, trichomes 0.1–0.2 mm long, indumenta brown; lamina 4.2–15.4 cm long, 2.0–6.1 cm wide, length: width ratio 1.5–3.4; elliptic to narrowly elliptic, base rounded or cuneate, apex acuminate, apiculate, aristate or caudate, acumen 1–33 mm long, upper and lower side sparsely pubescent; midrib pubescent to sparsely pubescent to glabrous on the upper side, pubescent to glabrous on the lower side, trichomes 0.1–0.4 mm long, brown; secondary veins 5–6 pairs, upper side glabrous, lower side pubescent to sparsely pubescent, trichomes ca. 0.1 mm long; tertiary veins irregular. Inflorescence axillary, a 1–4 flowered rhipidium. Floral buds ellipsoid, 5.8–7.5 mm long, 3.1–5.0 mm in diameter, densely pubescent; young pedicel densely pubescent. Flowering pedicel 3.8–6.2 mm long, 0.5–1.3 mm in diameter, densely to sparsely pubescent, trichomes 0.2–0.3 mm long, lower bract (on?) lower haft of pedicel, minute densely pubescent; upper bract apical, just below the calyx, 1.2–1.5 mm in diameter, densely pubescent, trichomes 0.2–0.3 mm long. Sepals 1.3–2.6 mm long, 1.6–3.2 mm wide, length:width ratio 0.5–0.9 broadly ovate, imbricate, fused at the base, apex acuminate, base truncate, outside pubescent, inside sparsely pubescent, trichomes 0.1–0.3 mm long. Inner and outer petals 8–18 mm long, 1.5–2.2 mm wide, length:width ratio 0.5–0.9, narrowly ovate, twisted or not, apex elliptic acuminate, base rounded; green maturing pale yellow, outside tomentose, trichomes 0.1–0.3 mm long, inside sparsely pubescent to glabrous; glabrous part to 4.5–8.0 mm long. Male flowers: stamens 10–25, in several whorls, 1.4–2.2 mm long, 0.4–0.9 mm wide; connectives of the flattened stamen; hermaphrodite flowers: stamens 5–10 in a single whorl, appressed, 1.4–1.8 mm long and 0.3–0.7 mm wide, connective of the stamens crushed-flattened in shape; carpels 10–15, 1.3–2.1 mm long, 0.6–0.9 mm in diameter, length:width ratio 1.2–2.0 narrowly oblong, densely pubescent; ovules 1–2, oblong; stigmata ovoid, densely pubescent, trichomes ca. 0.3 mm long. Fruiting pedicel 6–13 mm long, 1–2 mm in diameter, sparsely pubescent, trichomes ca. 0.4 mm long; stipes 7.5–8.3 mm long, 1.0–2.1 mm in diameter; monocarps 4–8, 3.0–8.2 mm in diameter, broadly ellipsoid to globose, sparsely pubescent, green turning wine red at maturity; seeds 1 per monocarp, 2.8–6.9 mm in diameter, ellipsoid to globose, flattened when more than one seed per monocarp, surface covered by a white tegument.


Occurs in Ivory Coast, Guinea Conakry, Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone; 55–864 m (Fig. 8).

Habitat and ecology.

In moist and semi-deciduous forests.


In Ivory Coast and Ghana, flowering from February to April. Fruits are immature from May to September and fruits are mature from October to December.

Vernacular names.

Ivory Coast: Mpahouéfon (Abé), Baouéfou, Sierra Leone. Gatema (Mendé).



Distribution of Greenwayodendronoliveri.

Preliminary conservation status of IUCN.

Least Concern [LC]. The extent of occurrence (EOO) of Greenwayodendronoliveri is estimated to be over 260,482,084 km2, whereas its area of occupancy (AOO) is estimated to be 136 km2 (which falls within the limits for Endangered status under criterion B2). The species, recorded from five countries (Ivory Coast, Guinea Conakry, Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone), is now known from at least 34 specimens representing 26 subpopulations. These 26 subpopulations represent 22 different locations (sensu IUCN 2012), many more than 10 locations, which are the upper limit for Vulnerable status under subcriterion ‘a’. Greenwayodendronoliveri has been collected in 10 protected areas in the following countries (Ivory Coast, Guinea Conakry, Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone). The main threat to G.oliveri is its habitat destruction resulting from logging activities and intensive agriculture in West Africa. Notwithstanding these human activities, with varying levels of impact, the species appears not as threatened as it is abundant. The available information suggests that the number of subpopulations and mature individuals of G.oliveri, as well as its EOO and AOO, will not decrease noticeably in the next ten years.


This species closely resembles G.littorale, see under that species for more details.

Selected specimens examined.

Ghana. Eastern Region: Atewa Range Forest Reserve, along footpath going uphill from Apapam to the South, 6°4.8'N, 0°21.6'W, 20 Oct 1994, Jongkind, C.C.H. 1795 (P); Atewa range Forest Reserve: ca. 2.0 km S of the town of Asiakwa, 6°8.142'N, 0°19.86'W, 15 Nov 1995, Schmidt, H.H. 1706 (WAG). Western Region: Pra Suhien Forest Reserve, 5°15'N, 2°36'W, 10 Nov 1971, Deaw, J. 371 (WAG); Dunkwa Dist, Denyau Forest Reserve, 7°9'N, 2°30'W, 19 Feb 1963, Enti, A.A. 7812 (WAG); Ankasa R.R, 5°35.30'N, 2°26.097'W, 22 Feb 2013, Hawthorn, H.C. 339 (BRLU).

Guinea. Nzérékoré: Nimba Montains, SMFG iron ore mine concession, Gouan River valley, 7°41.32'N, 8°23.17'W, 14 Oct 2011, Bilivogui, D. 116 (P); Nimba Mountains, Gouan Valley, 7°41.40'N, 8°22.90'W, 21 Aug 2008, Jongkind, C.C.H. 8378 (WAG).

Ivory Coast. Bas-Sassadra: Tai – Grabe, forest at W Mono, 5°31'N, 7°19'W, 23 Mar 1969, Bamps, P. 2225 (BR); 35 km SW of Guéyo, 5°33'N, 6°10'W, 27 Mar 1962, Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. 3742 (BR, P). Lagunes: Abidjan, Banco Forest Reserve, south of Arboretum, 5°22'N, 4°30'W, 20 Jul 1973, Koning, J. de 1953 (WAG); Baouéfou. Banco, 5°23.40'N, 4°3.07'W, 15 Jan 1931, Martineau 318 (P); ca. 5 km SE of O.R.S.T.O.M. Ile Boulay beyond lagune Ebrié, 5°16'N, 4°60'W, 22 Jul 1963, sandy soil, Wilde, W.J.J.O. de 510 (BR, P); Pinhou, Plantation planche, 6°38.16'N, 7°21.24'W, Mar 1970, Bamps 2585 (MO, P). Région Sud Comoé: Ashanti, 6°35'N, 1°30'W, Jan 1951, Andoh, J.E. 5458 (BR); Forêt d’Anguédédou, 5°23'N, 4°80'W, 5 Sep 1969, Thijssen, M.T. 317 (P).

Liberia. Bomi: Gola Forest NE of Bomi Hills, forest just outside the National Forest, 6°53'N, 10°49'W, 29 Apr 1966, Bos, J.J. 1953 (BR, P, WAG); Place, 32 km W of Bomi Hills, road to Mano, 6°53.21'N, 10°49.39'W, 12 Nov 1969, Jansen, J.W.A. 1509 (U). Grand Bassa: 32 km N of Buchanan, near waterfalls in the Zoh River (Bassa dial.), 6°40'N, 10°30'W, 20 Nov 1970, Jansen, J.W.A. 1890 (WAG). Gbarpolu: Kpelle National Forest, 93 km E of Bopolu, 7°40'N, 10°50'W, 18 Jan 1978, Gier, A. de. 205 (WAG); South-west of Togba Ville, 5°28.6'N, 9°16.3'W, 2 Dec 2012, Jongkind, C.C.H. 10018 (WAG). Grand Gedeh: Mim Timber Co (Fijnhout), 5°18'N, 9°2'W, 14 May 1970, Koning, J. de 453 (WAG); Eastern Province, Putu District. Near the village of Kanweake, ca. 70 km S of Chiehn (Zwedru village), 7°37'N, 8°50'W, 1962, Wilde, J.J.F.E. de 10083 (P). Nimba: Nimba Mountains, 7°12'N, 8°57'W, 10 Apr 1962, Voorhoeve, A.G.O.1073 (BR, WAG).

Sierra Leone. Eastern Province: Gola National Park, central block. East of Malimbe Camp, 7°39'N, 10°53'W, 23 Oct 2013, Burgt, X.M. van der. 1612 (P); Southern Province: Yoni bani, 8°26.37'N, 12°14.22'W, 11 Nov 1914, Thomas, N.W. 5059 (BR).

VerdcourtB (1969) The status of the genus Polyalthia Blume (Annonaceae) in Africa. Adansonia, Série 2 9: 87–94.IUCN (2012) Catégories et Critères de la Liste rouge de l’UICN. Version 3.1. Deuxième édition.Gland, Suisse et Cambridge, Royaume-Uni.