%Image Stack Saver %Tristan Ursell, June 2014 % % image_save(Im1,basename) % image_save(Im1,basename,fmax) % image_save(Im1,basename,fmax,'jpeg') % % For use with appended image stacks, e.g. most commonly stacked TIF files. % Some operating systems throw an error indicating that the file is % inaccessible at the time of write, which leads to a code fault and can be % very frustrating. This script fixes that issue, mainly on the Windows % operating system. % % Im1 = the current image (matrix) you want to add to the stack % % basename = is a string that specifices the file name, and potentially the % path of the stack to save to. Best practice is the put '.tif' at the end % of the file name. % % fmax = maximum number of allowed failures, i.e. if the script attempts to % write to the file 'fmax' times and fails, it will give up. This prevents % entering an infinite loop. The default value is fmax = 10. % % Any of the 'imwrite' parameters can be modified below on line 38. % function image_save(Im1,basename,varargin) if ~isempty(varargin) fmax=varargin{1}; if length(varargin)==2 if strcmp(varargin{2},'jpeg') jpg_q=1; end else jpg_q=0; end else fmax=10; jpg_q=0; end er1=0; f=0; while and(er1==0,f