function LV_competition_two_species_asym_curvature(W,H,D,P,delta,R) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Nick Lowery and Tristan Ursell % 2018 % % Structured environments fundamentally alter dynamics and stability of ecological communities % % % This function runs a non-dimensionalized modified 2D Lotka-Volterra ecological % simulation of two mutally killing species, for the specific purpose of % calculating the critical curvature of the interface between two species with % asymmetric competitive fitness. It requires the image_save.m script to be in % the active directory. The simulation stops when dynamics ceases either due to % stabilization of the competition interface or extinction of one of the species. % % Input parameters: % W = width of the simulation box (pixels) % H = height of the simulation box (pixels) - this determines the open space % between pillars % N = number of simulation iterations (dt units, specified in the script) % D = diffusion coefficient (dimensionless) % P = average interaction strength (dimensionless) % delta = degree of competition asymmetry (species A gets P + delta, B gets P - delta) % R = pillar radius (pixels) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %******************************************* %********* INITIALIZATION ****************** %******************************************* %output images imageq=1; %time step in ND units dt=0.01; %local concentration discrete cutoff (will be set to 0 below this value) dsc=0.001; %frequency to show results showt=50; %intialize the density matrices in blocks A = zeros(H,W); A(:,1:W/2) = 0.3; B = zeros(H,W); B(:,W/2:W) = 0.3; %diffusion convolution filter sigma = sqrt(4*D*dt); if mod(ceil(3*sigma), 2) == 0 win_sz = ceil(3*sigma) + 1; else win_sz = ceil(3*sigma); end Gauss = fspecial('gaussian', [win_sz,win_sz], sigma); rescale_filt = 1 ./ conv2(ones(size(A)), Gauss, 'same'); if min(H,W) < win_sz warning('Diffusion window size is larger than simulation box.') end %file IO file1 = ['2sp_LV_comp_curve_H-' num2str(H) ... '_W-' num2str(W) ... '_D-' num2str(D) ... '_P-' num2str(P) ... '_delta-' num2str(delta) ... '_R-' num2str(R) ... '_dsc-' num2str(dsc)]; %******************************************* %********* PILLARS ************************* %******************************************* %create spatial matrices / filters Xmat = ones(H,1)*(1:W); Ymat = (ones(W,1)*(1:H))'; %pillar locations x_cent = [W/2 W/2]; y_cent = [R H-R]; %create pillars filt_all = ones(size(Xmat)); for i = 1:length(x_cent) filt_temp = ((Xmat - x_cent(i)).^2 + (Ymat - y_cent(i)).^2) >= R^2; filt_all = filt_all .* filt_temp; end %prepare reflecting boundary conditions in grid conv_filt = conv2(filt_all, Gauss, 'same'); rescale_filt = filt_all ./ conv_filt; rescale_filt(isnan(rescale_filt)) = 0; %******************************************* %********* SIMULATION ********************** %******************************************* q = 0; arrest = 0; tic tnow = toc; while arrest < 1 %track image for comparison Aprev = A; Bprev = B; %convolutions A = conv2(A, Gauss, 'same') .* rescale_filt; B = conv2(B, Gauss, 'same') .* rescale_filt; %interspecies interactions dA = dt * A .* (1 - (A+B)) .* (1 - B / (P + delta)); dB = dt * B .* (1 - (A+B)) .* (1 - A / (P - delta)); %deterministic update populations A = A + dA; B = B + dB; %hard upper bound A(A > 1) = 1; B(B > 1) = 1; %discrete cutoff (hard lower bound) A(A < dsc) = 0; B(B < dsc) = 0; if and(max(abs(Aprev - A)) < (100*eps), max(abs(Bprev - B)) < (100*eps)) disp('Simulation terminated due to extinction or inactivity.') arrest = 1; break end q = q + 1; %output if mod(q,showt) == 1 tnow_temp = toc; tnow = tnow_temp - tnow; disp(['step ' num2str(i) ' for ' file1 ' in ' num2str(tnow) 's']) tnow = toc; end end %*********************************************** %************ FINAL IMAGE ********************** %*********************************************** %grey filter Atemp = A; Btemp = B; Atemp(filt_all == 0) = 1/2; Btemp(filt_all == 0) = 1/2; im_out = zeros(H, W, 3, 'uint8'); im_out(:,:,1) = uint8(Atemp * 255); im_out(:,:,2) = uint8(Btemp * 255); im_out(:,:,3) = uint8(Atemp * 255); %*********************************************** %************ CURVATURE ************************ %*********************************************** % hard boundary, based on A majority im_bin = A > B; if sum(im_bin(:)) == sum(filt_all(:)) K = NaN; extinct = 1; else extinct = 0; % extract curve im_curve = edge(im_bin, 'Sobel') - edge(filt_all, 'Sobel'); curve = im_curve == 1; % define curve coordinates curve_props = regionprops(curve, 'Extrema'); % top right corner x1 = curve_props.Extrema(2,1); y1 = curve_props.Extrema(2,2); % right side of midpoint x2 = max(curve_props.Extrema(:,1)); y2 = 0.5*(max(curve_props.Extrema(:,2))+min(curve_props.Extrema(:,2))); % bottom right corner x3 = curve_props.Extrema(5,1); y3 = curve_props.Extrema(5,2); % calculate curvature a = sqrt((x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2); b = sqrt((x2 - x3)^2 + (y2 - y3)^2); c = sqrt((x3 - x1)^2 + (y3 - y1)^2); A = 1/2 * abs((x1 - x2) * (y3-y2) - (y1-y2) * (x3-x2)); if a*b*c == 0 K = 0; else K = 4*A/(a*b*c); end end disp(['extinction = ' num2str(extinct) ', K = ' num2str(K)]) %*********************************************** %************ METADATA ************************* %*********************************************** if imageq==1 image_save(im_out,[file1 '.png']) end save([file1 '.mat'], 'W','H','dt','dsc','D','P','delta','R','K','extinct') disp(['Done with ' file1 '.']) %exit end