{ "mapping": { "EnsemblID": "id", "fc": "log2FoldChange", "pValue": "pvalue", "pValueAdj": "padj", "baseMeanSample": "baseMeanSample", "baseMeanControl": "baseMeanControl", "baseMean": "baseMean" }, "regex": { "FPKM": "value_." }, "metadata": { "PairID": 2100, "ControlLabel": "age:12_genotype:wild type genotype_stimulus:none", "SampleLabel": "age:12_genotype:spontaneus mutation in ppp1r13l gene_stimulus:lipopolysaccharide", "Accession": "E-MTAB-5812", "SampleID": "ERR2004716", "Organism": "Mus musculus", "ExperimentType": "RNA-Seq of coding RNA", "ArrayExpressURL": "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/arrayexpress/experiments/E-MTAB-5812/", "Name": "RNA-Seq of BALB/cJ‐Ppp1r13lwa3/J (wa3) mouse hearts vs BALB/C wildtype mice aged 7 weeks and 12 weeks mice, as well as lipopolysaccharide treatment for 12-week-old mice", "ReleaseDate": "2017-06-13", "Description": "A novel ppp1r13l sequence variation causes dilated cardiomyopathy and cardiac inflammation. This experiment explores the transcriptome of wa3 mice hearts which are carry deletion and insertion mutations in exon 12 of the Ppp1r13l gene that generate premature stop codon, and exhibit dilated cardio myopathy in a similar manner to a novel human mutation that was recently dicovered.", "PublicationAuthors": "Falik-Zaccai TC, Barsheshet Y, Mandel H, Segev M, Lorber A, Gelberg S, Kalfon L, Ben Haroush S, Shalata A, Gelernter-Yaniv L, Chaim S, Raviv Shay D, Khayat M, Werbner M, Levi I, Shoval Y, Tal G, Shalev S, Reuveni E, Avitan-Hersh E, Vlodavsky E, Appl-Sarid L, Goldsher D, Bergman R, Segal Z, Bitterman-Deutsch O, Avni O.", "PublicationTitle": "Sequence variation in PPP1R13L results in a novel form of cardio-cutaneous syndrome.", "PublicationDOI": "10.15252/emmm.201606523", "PublicationPublication": null, "PublicationYear": null } }