Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Fig. S1. CAB101 analysis of non-AD neurological disease brain microarrays.
- Fig. S2. RgpB IHC in hippocampal samples from nondemented and AD patients.
- Fig. S3. Sequencing of P. gingivalis hmuY PCR products from AD brains.
- Fig. S4. Sequencing of P. gingivalis hmuY PCR products from clinical AD CSF.
- Table S1. NVD003 AD and control TMA patient data.
- Table S2. NVD005 AD and control TMA patient data.
- Table S3. Tau fragments identified by MS after gingipain exposure.
- Table S4. Demographic information of patients with CP who donated saliva and subgingival plaque samples.
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