Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Section S1. Analysis of enhanced effective mobility in m-CNT–doped P3HT-NFs/PDMS
- Section S2. Contact resistance analysis through the TLM
- Section S3. Calculation of mobility and threshold voltage
- Section S4. Circuit architecture designs of the rubbery inverters NAND and NOR
- Section S5. Cross-talk evaluation of the pressure-sensitive rubber
- Section S6. Data acquisition of active matrix rubbery tactile sensing skin
- Fig. S1. Preparation of AgNPs-AuNWs/PDMS through a galvanic replacement process.
- Fig. S2. SEM image of ion gel.
- Fig. S3. Areal fraction of m-CNT on the semiconducting layer after dry transfer.
- Fig. S4. Output characteristics of the devices with different m-CNT concentrations.
- Fig. S5. Transfer characteristics of the devices with P3HT/m-CNT and P3HT-NFs/PDMS/m-CNT.
- Fig. S6. Summary list of a few different semiconducting material–based transistors.
- Fig. S7. Effective μFE enhancement mechanism in m-CNT–doped P3HT-NFs/PDMS.
- Fig. S8. m-CNT source and drain electrode–based transistor.
- Fig. S9. Schematic fabrication process of rubbery transistor array.
- Fig. S10. Hysteresis loop of the transfer curve for the rubbery transistor at a scan rate of 10 mV/s.
- Fig. S11. Ion/Ioff map of all 64 rubbery transistors for an 8 by 8 array.
- Fig. S12. Hysteresis loop of the VTC curve for the rubbery inverter at a scan rate of 10 mV/s.
- Fig. S13. Truth tables for rubbery NAND and NOR gates.
- Fig. S14. Static output characteristics of the rubbery NAND and NOR gates.
- Fig. S15. Physical integration of the fully rubbery tactile sensing skin.
- Fig. S16. Schematic fabrication processes of the rubbery tactile sensing skin with 8 by 8 transistor array based on an active matrix readout.
- Fig. S17. Resistance change of the pressure-sensitive rubber sheet depending on applied pressure.
- Fig. S18. Electrical measurement of the pressure-sensitive rubber sheet.
- Fig. S19. Circuit diagram of the 8 by 8 active matrix–based rubbery tactile sensing skin.
- Fig. S20. Output voltage measurement of the rubbery tactile sensing skin.
- Reference (44)
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