Variable name;Variable label;Codebook ;Other remarks q1;Gender;"1= man; 2=woman"; q2;Age;Numeric variable; q3;Household;"1= Couple and no children; 2=single and no children; 3=family with children"; q4;Living area;"1= Capital; 2=Zealand; 2=Southern Denmark; 4=Mid Jutland; 5=North Jutland;"; q5;Education;"1=Basic, mandatory school; 2=High school; 3=Vocational education; 4=Short to medium-length tertiary education; 5=Long tertiary education"; q6;The use of animals by humans should be prohibited by law.;"1= Completely disagree; 2= Disagree; 3=Neither disagree or agree; 4=Disagree; 5=Completely agree"; q7;In principle, the use of animals by humans is unacceptable because animals can feel pain, happiness, etc. ;"1= Completely disagree; 2= Disagree; 3=Neither disagree or agree; 4=Disagree; 5=Completely agree"; q8;In principle, the use of animals by humans is unacceptable because animals are sentient beings.;"1= Completely disagree; 2= Disagree; 3=Neither disagree or agree; 4=Disagree; 5=Completely agree"; q9;We have the right to use animals because humans are intellectually superior to animals.;"1= Completely disagree; 2= Disagree; 3=Neither disagree or agree; 4=Disagree; 5=Completely agree"; q10;Human interests are more important than those of animals.;"1= Completely disagree; 2= Disagree; 3=Neither disagree or agree; 4=Disagree; 5=Completely agree"; q11;We must prioritize humans over animals.;"1= Completely disagree; 2= Disagree; 3=Neither disagree or agree; 4=Disagree; 5=Completely agree"; q12;Using animals for important human purposes (e.g. medical research) is acceptable if it is done so that the animals do not experience unnecessary stress.;"1= Completely disagree; 2= Disagree; 3=Neither disagree or agree; 4=Disagree; 5=Completely agree"; q13;Using animals for important human purposes is acceptable if it is done so that the animals do not experience unnecessary pain.;"1= Completely disagree; 2= Disagree; 3=Neither disagree or agree; 4=Disagree; 5=Completely agree"; q14;Using animals for important human purposes is acceptable if the animals have a decent quality of life.;"1= Completely disagree; 2= Disagree; 3=Neither disagree or agree; 4=Disagree; 5=Completely agree"; q15;Inflicting serious pain on animals is acceptable if it is necessary in order to achieve a vital human goal ? e.g. in medical research.;"1= Completely disagree; 2= Disagree; 3=Neither disagree or agree; 4=Disagree; 5=Completely agree"; q16;Inflicting considerable pain on animals is justified if the purpose is sufficiently important - e.g. medical research.;"1= Completely disagree; 2= Disagree; 3=Neither disagree or agree; 4=Disagree; 5=Completely agree"; q17;Exposing animals to stress and reducing their welfare is justified if the purpose is sufficiently important.;"1= Completely disagree; 2= Disagree; 3=Neither disagree or agree; 4=Disagree; 5=Completely agree"; q18;AnimalRights;Numeric variable; q19;Anthropocentrism;Numeric variable; q20;AnimalProtection;Numeric variable; q21;LayUtilitarian;Numeric variable; q22;Number of animal theme parks visited;Count variable;See further description of measure in Supplementary material E q23;How often do you eat the following type of filling?: Meat filling;"1= never/seldom eat this;... 5= twice a day"; q24;How often do you eat hot dishes with the following type of ingredient?: meat (beef, pork, lamb);"1=never/seldom eat this; …; 5=once a day"; q25;How often do you eat hot dishes with the following type of ingredient?: poultry (e.g. chicken, turkey, duck);"1=never/seldom eat this; …; 5=once a day"; q26;Frequency of meat eating;Numeric variable;See further description of measure in Supplementary material E q27;Animal welfare-friendly meat consumption;1= Completely disagree?5=Completely agree;See further description of measure in Supplementary material E q28;Semi-vegetarian;"1=semi-vegetarian; 0=other diet"; q29;Cat;"1=cat(s) in the household; 0=no cat"; q30;Dog;"1=dog(s) in the household; 0=no dog"; q31;TrustCurrentLegislation;"1= Completely disagree; 2= Disagree; 3=Neither disagree or agree; 4=Disagree; 5=Completely agree"; q32;Response to add from Danish meat and agricultural farmers? association: I have great sympathy for the campaign;"1= Completely disagree; 2= Disagree; 3=Neither disagree or agree; 4=Disagree; 5=Completely agree"; q33;Response to add from Danish meat and agricultural farmers? association The message in the campaign is misleading;"1= Completely disagree; 2= Disagree; 3=Neither disagree or agree; 4=Disagree; 5=Completely agree"; q34;Response to add from Danish meat and agricultural farmers? association The campaign is good because it says something central about the way pigs are treated in Danish farms;"1= Completely disagree; 2= Disagree; 3=Neither disagree or agree; 4=Disagree; 5=Completely agree"; q35;Endorsing an animal welfare campaign from Danish meat and agricultural farmers? association;Numeric variable;See further description of measure in Supplementary material E q36;Response to add from NGO: I have great sympathy for the campaign;"1= Completely disagree; 2= Disagree; 3=Neither disagree or agree; 4=Disagree; 5=Completely agree"; q37;Response to add from NGO: The message in the campaign is misleading;"1= Completely disagree; 2= Disagree; 3=Neither disagree or agree; 4=Disagree; 5=Completely agree"; q38;Response to add from NGO: The campaign is good because it says something central about the way pigs are treated in Danish farms;"1= Completely disagree; 2= Disagree; 3=Neither disagree or agree; 4=Disagree; 5=Completely agree"; q39;Endorsing an animal welfare campaign from Danish animal welfare NGO;Numeric variable;Numeric variable q40;In my view, all this talk about animal welfare is exaggerated;"1= Completely disagree; 2= Disagree; 3=Neither disagree or agree; 4=Disagree; 5=Completely agree"; q41;The focus on animal welfare is too much of a fashion fad;"1= Completely disagree; 2= Disagree; 3=Neither disagree or agree; 4=Disagree; 5=Completely agree"; q42;Society has more important things to think about than the welfare of animals;"1= Completely disagree; 2= Disagree; 3=Neither disagree or agree; 4=Disagree; 5=Completely agree"; q43;Non-concern about animal welfare;Numeric variable;See further description of measure in Supplementary material E q44;Weight variable (adjusts to Danish population census regarding gender, ecuation, age, and living area (Danish regions));Numeric variable;Constructed using the rake weight command in SPSS v25 ; ;; ; ;; ; ;;