{ FICK.PDE} title "1-D Fick's equation" coordinates cylinder1('r') variables c (1) definitions ks0 = 3.09*10^(-6) alpha = 2.017 Kth = 0.25 d=1-r/0.4 ksr = if c>Kth then alpha*ks0 else ks0 initial values c = 0 equations c : dr(dr(c))*ksr=dt(c) boundaries region 1 start(0) point natural(c)=0 line to (0.4) point value(c)=2.3027{1.0951 dla 10%, oraz 2.3027 dla 20%} {plots elevation(c) from (0.5) to (0) as "c"} time 0 to 30*15 plots for t= 0 by 30 to endtime elevation(c) from (0) to (0.4) as "c" elevation(ksr) from (0) to (0.4) as "ksr" elevation(d) from (0) to (0.4) as "d" table(ksr)