Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Fig. S1. The watershed (>3200 km2) of Yellowstone Lake and tributary streams in Yellowstone National Park and the Bridger-Teton wilderness, Wyoming.
- Fig. S2. Gillnetting effort expended and biomass of lake trout netted.
- Fig. S3. Shift in size structure of prey fish populations during the period of lake trout invasion.
- Fig. S4. Changes in plankton due to decline of planktivorous cutthroat trout.
- Fig. S5. Phytoplankton biomass in the West Thumb of Yellowstone Lake.
- Fig. S6. Secchi disk depths in the West Thumb of Yellowstone Lake.
- Fig. S7. Depths of isotherms (°C) in the West Thumb of Yellowstone Lake.
- Fig. S8. Surface water temperatures of Yellowstone Lake.
- Table S1. Results of Prais-Winsten time series regressions.
- Table S2. Fish explanatory variables used in time series and trend analyses.
- Table S3. Bear and bird response variables used in time series analyses.
- References (66–77)
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