Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Fig. S1. Analysis of the crowdsourced detections during 2016–2017 that could be associated with EMSC-published epicenters, considering each detection method individually.
- Fig. S2. A Venn diagram of the earthquakes detected by each crowdsourced system during 2016–2017.
- Fig. S3. Scatter graphs showing all obtained locations for the 10th iteration of the CsLoc analyses for all 2200 detections that were associated with an EMSC epicenter.
- Fig. S4. Summary of the test dataset and its results starting from the 2590 crowdsourced detections; the transition from “seismic” to “distinct earthquakes” corresponds to the deduplication of detections from the multiple crowdsourced detection methods.
- Fig. S5. An analysis of the 735 earthquakes located by CsLoc with respect to earthquake magnitude.
- Fig. S6. The earthquakes located by CsLoc and GEOFON by earthquake magnitude; CsLoc had a wider spectrum of magnitudes, locating a larger number of events of magnitude lower than M5 with respect to GEOFON in the first 10 min.
- Table S1. Summary statistics for crowdsourced detections at the EMSC during 2016–2017.
- Table S2. Summary statistics for the earthquakes detected by each crowdsourced detection.
- Table S3. Summary of the 735 earthquakes located by CsLoc that met the publication criteria.
- Table S4. Statistics for the 429 earthquakes located by both GEOFON and CsLoc within 10 min of the origin time.
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