Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Fig. S1. Schematic for the synthesis of UCNPs-Cas9.
- Fig. S2. The structure of UCNPs confirmed by HRTEM and SAED pattern.
- Fig. S3. The surface modification process of UCNPs.
- Fig. S4. Photocleavage reaction triggered by NIR light on the surface of UCNPs.
- Fig. S5. Cellular internalization of UCNPs-Cas9@PEI monitored by confocal microscopy.
- Fig. S6. The viability of cells treated under different conditions.
- Fig. S7. The assay of EGFP expression in cells.
- Fig. S8. Cell viabilities observed by CLSM images.
- Fig. S9. The biocompatibility analysis of UCNPs-Cas9@PEI.
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