Participants in the Antithrombotic Trialists’ Collaboration

Collaborators: Argentina: R Altman, L Carreras, R Diaz, E Figueroa, E Gurfinkel, E Paolasso, JC Parodi. Australia: M Brooks, JF Cade, GD Cope, M Davis, G Donnan, D Dunbabin, MJ Eadie, J French, TP Gavaghan, K Gotch-Martin, G Hankey, B Hockings, EF O’Sullivan, D Parkin, R Parsons, D Pitt, JTG Renny, C Silagy, RR Taylor, P Thompson. Austria: W Klein, G Kretschmer, E Minar, E Pilger, H Vinazzer (deceased), F Zekert. Belgium: H Adriaensen (deceased), JM Bertrand-Hardy, M Bran, RW Brower, J Col, JL David, J Dricot, E Lavenne-Pardonge, R Limet, A Lowenthal (deceased), M Moriau, S Schapira, P Smets, J Symoens (deceased), F Van de Werf, P Vanhove, R Verhaeghe, M Verstraete. Brazil: A Atallah, E Sousa. Canada: H Barnett, R Batista, J Blakely, JA Cairns, S Connolly, R Cote, J Crouch, G Evans, JM Findlay, M Gawell, M Gent*, Y Langlois, A Laupacis, J LeClerc, J Norris, GF Pineo, PJ Powers, R Roberts, L Schwartz, J Sicurella, W Taylor, P Théroux, AGG Turpie, RD Weisel, S Yusuf*. Chile: R Diaz. China: J Cui, L Liu, JX Xie. Croatia: A Jovic. Czech Republic: J Pirk, V Rohn. Denmark: C Bay, G Boysen, JB Knudsen, E Lindstrom, P Petersen, PS Sorenson, H Vissinger. Finland: PT Harjola, SA Mortensen. France: JC Arcan, B Balkau, M Bertrand, J Blanchard, J-P Boissel, B Boneu, M-L Bourachot, MG Bousser, M Brochier, M Cloarec, G Cribier, M Dechavanne, P Drouin, A Elias, E Eschwège, A Franco, B Guiraud-Chaumeil, R Hugonot, A Leizorovicz*, Y Loria, L Michat, J Mirouze, E Panak, J Pasteyer, A Rascol, L Revol, M Roy, J Selles, G Slama, C Starkman, M Teule, N Thibult, M Verry, A Vahanian. Germany: FW Albert, K Andrassy, K Breddin, R Eckel, A Encke, J Frohlich, C Gottstein, J Harenberg, B Hartung, HW Heiss, H Hess, B Höfling, D Krause, G Latta, H Linke, D Loew, R Lorenz, A Machraoui, K Middleton, G Novak, M Oldendorf, C Özbek, D Raithal, C Ranke, R Reuter, G Schettler, J Schnitker, A Schömig, W Schoop, H Stiegler, U Tebbe, K Überla, G Vogel, M Weber. Greece: G Arapkis. Hong Kong: T Chan, CK Mok. Hungary: R Szabo. India: NP Misra, K Reddy. Italy: G Andreozzi, A Apollonio (deceased), A Auteri, F Balsano, A Basselini, F Barzizza, L Candelise, M Carnovali, M Catalano, N Ciaverella, G Ciuffetti, S Coccheri, M Cortellaro, G Corvi, V Coto, M D’Addato, G Davi, R De Caterina, T Di Perri, C Fieschi, MG Franzosi, M Galvani, R Gentile, C Giansante, L Gregoratti, P Gresele, D Inzitari, M Lavessari, A Libretti, B Magnani, E Mannarino, A Maresta, AV Mattioli, G Mattioli, G Melandri, M Milani, C Morocutti, M Neirotti, G Neri Serneri, G Pagano, G Palmieri, C Patrono, L Pedrini, V Pengo, M Pini, P Pandroni, P Pozzilli, C Pratesi, F Romeo, F Rovelli, G Rudelli, G Ruvolo, GP Signorini (deceased), G Tognoni, R Tramarin, F Violi. Japan: T Fujimora, K Hara, M Kagayama, S Kitamura, K Maeda, H Origasa, H Sasano, A Suzuki, H Tohgi, S Uchiyama, H Utsumi. Mexico: AM Garcia. Netherlands: A Algra, RW Brower, GJH Den Ottolander, AJ Funke Küpper, J van Gijn, H Hart, B Hellemons, LJ Kappelle, JA Knottnerus, PJ Koudstaal, M Langenberg, T Lemmens (deceased), J Lodder, M Pannebakker, SHA Peters, PW Serruys, A Van den Belt, J Van der Meer, AB Van der Vijgh, G Veen, FWA Verheugt, F Vermeer, G Veth. New Zealand: ER Nye, HD White, BF Williams. Norway: J Dale, J Eritsland, F Kontny, J Nordrehaug, PM Sandset, E Thaulow. Poland: M Kuch, Z Sadowski, K Zawilska. Romania: P Popescu, N Tiberiu. Russia: O Averkov. Spain:JR Domenech Aznar, E Estmatjes, J Garcia Rafanell, P Guiteras, I Izquierdo, J Lassierra, P Lopez-Trigo, A Oriol, L Pomar, E Rocha, F de la Gala Sanchez, J Sancho-Rieger, G Sanz. Sweden: ULF Berglund, D Bergqvist, C Blomstrand, M Boberg, M Britton, U Brodin, S Ekeström, C-E Elwin, G Frostfeldt, L Grip, K Grontoft, C Helmers, J Holm, L Janzon, L Jivegard, S Juul-Möller, H Mulec, JE Olsson, S Persson, G Rasmanis, A Rosen, K Samuelsson, J Soreft, N Wahlgren, L Wallentin. Switzerland: HR Baur, M Bokslag, A Bollinger, F Mahler, B Meier, M Pfisterer, N Pflüger. Thailand: C Sitthi-Amorn. United Kingdom: EJ Acheson, P Appleby, AW Asscher, A Aukland, C Baigent* (Coordinator), S Bala, I Barton†, P Bell, GVR Born, JP Branagan, N Brooks, MJ Brown, NL Browse, R Capildeo, M Carmalt, AE Carter, G Carson†, Z Chen*, ED Cooke, C Clyne (deceased), R Collins*, G Coutts, C Counsell*, DH Cove, PS Crowther, WF Cuthbertson, C Davies†, D De Bono (deceased), C Dickerson, J Dickinson, JA Dormandy, S Ell, P Elphinstone, P Elwood, PA Emerson, V Englishby, B Farrell, C Fickerstrand, M Flather, T Foley, T Foulds, KM Fox, P Franks, T Gardecki, M Gawal, AE Gent, AH Gershlick, J Godwin†, M Goldman, M Gould, C Gray, D Gray, R Gray, H Halls†, A Handley, H Handoll, MJG Harrison, GN Henderson, S Heptinstall, SF Hobbiger, P Houston†, D Jackson†, EW Jones, NAG Jones, S Jost, D Julian, J Kellett, RC Kester, J Krabshuis, S Lewington†, GDO Lowe, CN McCollum, J Mackenzie, G Mead†, TW Meade, D Mendelow, GK Morris, C Nichol, M Noble, R Norris, JR O’Brien, M Ogier†, T Ostley†, H Pan†, MJ Parry, S Parish, D Patel, R Peto*, J Powell, A Rahman, SM Rajah, S Richards, A Rickards, VC Roberts, P Roderick*, FC Rose, RW Ross Russell, PC Rubin, CV Ruckley, P Sandercock*, KM Shaw, MDM Shaw, JH Shelley, D Sinclair†, J Slattery, P Sleight†, SJ Smith, P Stewart-Long, T Stickland†, C Sudlow* (Assistant Coordinator), PM Sweetnam, V Tallis†, MJB Tansey, AM Telford, H Tindall, J Turney, HM Tyler, NC Varey, MP Vessey, MG Walker, MA Walker, CP Warlow*, RG Wilcox, H Willems, EH Wood. United States: HP Adams, S Arvan, E Barr, B Barton, RF Bedford, BL Bick, J Biller, S Bingham, S Bleich, BG Brown, T Bryant, J Buring, CF Cabot, P Canner, J Chesebro, OD Chrisman, GP Clagett, M Cohen, JA Colwell, M Dyken, D Ellis, M Ezekowitz, WS Fields, GA FitzGerald, C Furberg, V Fuster, S Goldman, JM Gore, J Granett, RM Green, D Green, R Hardy, LA Harker, WH Harris, RG Hart, WK Hass, C Hennekens, D Hill, J Hsia, M Hume, MC Igloe, K James, K-A Johannessen, G Johnson, S Jonas, S King, JP Kistler, G Knatterud, T Kohler, KG Lehmann, NJ Lembo, M Leon, D Lewis, E Lockhart, P Majerus, R McBride, MT McEnany, RM McKenna, JL Mehta, JS Meyer, B Moloney, T Moritz, DM Nicoloff, G Nycz, H Ono, GA Pantely, SJ Phillips, P Ridker, JT Robertson, R Rothbart, F Sax, EW Salzman, RD Sautter, RC Schlant, JA Schoenberger, MV Sengekontacket, G Sharma, D Singer, P Steele, R Sreedhara, KP Steinnagel, J Stratton, J Sullivan (deceased), G Timmis, JF Toole, MD Walker, CW White, M Wirecki, D Wombolt, R Wong, K Zadina, D Zucker (* Steering Committee, † Secretariat ).

Writing committee: C Baigent, C Sudlow, R Collins, R Peto.

References for web tables A and B. Posted as supplied by author

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