Pole-to-Pole Oscillation of the Division Inhibitor MinC in E. Coli: Time-Lapse Fluorescence Micrographs
2. The MinE pattern
Time-lapse fluorescence micrographs showing the dynamic behavior of MinE-Gfp in normally dividing cells. Times are indicated in seconds. Note the accumulation of MinE-Gfp in the shape of a ring (the E ring) as well as in an extra-annular peripheral pattern (PEA signal), which is present in between the ring and one of the cell poles. Note the net movement of a ring toward the pole with the PEA signal (0-8, 12-28, 32-48, and 52-58 s), the disappearance of a ring and PEA signal when the former approaches a cell pole (8, 28, and 48 s), and the subsequent assembly of a new ring at/near midcell concommitant with the appearance of a new PEA signal in between the new ring and the pole previously devoid of signal (12, 32, and 52 s). Arrowheads (< or >) indicate both the position of the ring as well as the direction of its movement. Shown is a cell of strain HL1/pDR174 [DminDE/Plac::bfp-minD,minE-gfp]. Cells were grown at 30° C in minimal medium supplemented with 37 mM isopropyl b -d-thiogalactoside and displayed a normal division pattern. For additional details, see Hale, C. A., Meinhardt, H. & de Boer, P. A. J. (2001) EMBO J. 20, 1563-1572.