The PDF file includes:
- Supplementary Text
- Fig. S1. Single-particle cryo-EM map quality.
- Fig. S2. Single-particle cryo-EM of HDH.
- Fig. S3. Details of the assembly factor Kustc1130.
- Fig. S4. Electrostatics of HDH complex.
- Fig. S5. Central cavity in HDH trimers.
- Fig. S6. Stereo figure showing the quality of the crystallographic electron density map.
- Fig. S7. Structure of 30-mer HDH particles.
- Fig. S8. Interactions in HDH assemblies.
- Table S1. Data collection and refinement statistics.
- Legend for movie S1
- References (38–48)
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Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following:
- Movie S1 (.mp4 format). Heme network in the HDH complex.