The PDF file includes:
- Supplementary Text
- Fig. S1. Paleogeographic map during early Late Cretaceous times (~95 to 90 Ma ago).
- Fig. S2. Stratigraphic column of the Cenomanian-Turonian Churuvita Group in the studied area.
- Fig. S3. Crustacean-dominated faunule at the studied section.
- Fig. S4. Additional dorsal, ventral, and appendicular features in Callichimaera perplexa n. gen. n. sp., from the mid-Cretaceous of Colombia and the United States.
- Fig. S5. MP-strict consensus of a single most parsimonious tree for the nine major brachyuran sections and podotreme brachyuran families, including Callichimaeridae n. fam.
- Fig. S6. Results of equally weighted and IWMP analyses.
- Fig. S7. ML topology with the nine major brachyuran sections and podotremous brachyuran families, including Callichimaeridae n. fam.
- Fig. S8. Bayesian majority-rule consensus topology of the post-burnin sample of trees for fossil and extant podotremous brachyuran families, including Callichimaeridae n. fam.
- Table S1. List of characters for phylogenetic analysis.
- Table S2. Superfamilies and families of anomuran and brachyuran crabs included in the phylogenetic analysis.
- References (80–146)
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Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following:
- Data file S1 (.nex format). Data matrix for phylogenetic analysis.
- Data file S2 (.obj format). Printable 3D model file of Callichimaera perplexa n. gen. n. sp.
- Movie S1 (.mp4 format). Dorsoventral view 3D reconstruction of Callichimaera perplexa n. gen. n. sp.
- Movie S2 (.mp4 format). Side view 3D reconstruction of Callichimaera perplexa n. gen. n. sp.