The PDF file includes:
- Table S1. Crystallographic data collection and refinement statistics.
- Fig. S1. Sxph structural analysis.
- Fig. S2. Sxph sequence, secondary structure, and disulfide map.
- Fig. S3. Comparison of Sxph and representative transferrin family member sequences.
- Fig. S4. Sxph thyroglobulin domain structural analysis.
- Fig. S5. STX-binding site and STX derivatives.
- Fig. S6. Structural comparison of Sxph N1 and C1 domains.
- Fig. S7. Sequence comparison of Sxph and putative Sxph homologs.
- Fig. S8. NaVPaS:STX and NaV1.7:STX interactions.
- Legend for movie S1
- References (68–71)
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Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following:
- Movie S1 (.mp4 format). Sxph conformational changes upon STX binding.