Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Table S1. Patient information.
- Table S2. MNI coordinates of hippocampal channels.
- Fig. S1. Layout of the virtual environment and patient-wise goal locations.
- Fig. S2. Stimulus specificity of neural cue representations.
- Fig. S3. Identification of large-scale electrophysiological cue representations using tr-sRSA based on gamma power.
- Fig. S4. Derivation of higher-order similarity.
- Fig. S5. Neural cue representations rely on large-scale electrophysiological signals.
- Fig. S6. Contribution of brain regions to the similarity of identical and different large-scale electrophysiological cue representations.
- Fig. S7. Second-level statistics across patients depicting which brain regions simultaneously increased the neural similarity of identical cues and decreased the neural similarity of different cues.
- Fig. S8. Phase coupling (3.5 Hz) between the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex during goal-directed navigation.
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