PlantaeFabalesFabaceaeComptonJames A.SchrireBrian D.Könyves3KálmánForestFélixMalakasiPanagiotaSawai MattaphaSirichamornYotsawateThe Callerya Group redefined and Tribe Wisterieae (Fabaceae) emended based on morphology and data from nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequencesPhytoKeys2662019125111210.3897/phytokeys.125.34877 Sarcodum scandens Lour., Fl. Cochinch. 2: 462 (1790) = ClianthusbinnendyckianusKurz, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal Pt. 2 Nat. Hist. 40(1): 51 (1871). Type: “Moluccos [Maluku], Ceram [Seram], Cult. in Hort. Bogor ab Binnendyck”, S.Binnendijk s.n.., (BO, holo., not seen); K000117839 (K, iso.!). Type.

Vietnam. “In sylvis Cochinchinae, G 151 Sarkinum = Cay muong deei = Sarcodum p. 462 2-delph” J. de Loureiro or local collector, BM001209557 (BM, holo.!) ≡ Clianthusscandens (Lour.) Merr., J. Bot. 66: 265 (1928)


Lôc and Vidal in Fl. Cambodge, Laos & Vietnam 30: 7, t. 1 (2001); Clark in Kew Bull. 63(1): 156 (2008); Sun and Pedley FOC Illustrations 10: 175 fig. 202 [1–9] (2010). Plate 2D, Plate 2F–G.


China (Hainan); Indonesia (Seram, Sulawesi); Laos; Philippines; Vietnam.

Afgekia, Sarcodum and Padbruggea. AAfgekiamahidoliae, Thailand, Sai Yok distr. Kanchanaburi, Y.Sirichamorn s.n.. B, CAfgekiasericea Thailand S.Mattapha 1158DSarcodumscandens Vietnam, Quang Binh Prov. Lôc & Quang P11554EAfgekiamahidiliae Thailand, Sai Yok distr. Kanchanaburi Y.Sirichamorn s.n.. FSarcodumscandens Vietnam, Quang Binh Prov. Lôc & Quang P11554GSarcodumscandens Laos, Sop Teuang, Bolikhamxai Prov. S.Lanorsavanh 1299H, IPadbruggeafilipes Thailand, Chiang Mai, Y.Sirichamorn & S.Mattapha YSM2017-1.