AnimaliaAlcyonaceaPlexauridaeHorvathElizabeth AnneA review of gorgonian coral species (Cnidaria, Octocorallia, Alcyonacea) held in the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History research collection: focus on species from Scleraxonia, Holaxonia, Calcaxonia – Part II: Species of Holaxonia, families Gorgoniidae and PlexauridaeZookeys04720198606718210.3897/zookeys.860.33597 Chromoplexaura marki (Kükenthal, 1913)Figures 28, 29A, B, 30A, B, 31A–C, 32A, B, 33A, B, 34A–C, 35A–E, 36, 37A1–37, 4, 1B, 2B, 3, 38A–E Euplexaura marki Kükenthal, 1913: 266–269; text figs G, H, J, K, pl 8 fig. 11; 1924: 93–94. Chromoplexaura marki (Kükenthal, 1913): Williams 2013a: 36–39; figs 12–17.Type locality.

For the original specimen, USA, Southern California, 64–616 m. (Identification cannot be confirmed.) For proposed Neotype, collected in Northeastern Pacific, USA, California, Monterey County, Monterey, BLM Reference Station 360 (Burch #40128), ~22 m; coll. T Burch, 18 August 1940.

Type specimens.

Repository for the original type specimen unknown. Proposed Neotype (designated here), SBMNH 423060 [dry].

Material examined.

~60 lots (see Appendix 1: List of material examined).


Colony (Figures 28, 29A, 30A, 31A, 32A, 33A) shape can be a wide, broad, moderate to sparsely branched fan, typically in one plane or simple, unbranched; initial branching lateral, progressing to branches that tend to project more up than out; sometimes projecting/winding more in a “front” or “back” direction; with broader membranous base; main branches can divide repeatedly, all secondary branches off larger ones having same diameter; round in cross-section; distal ends often slightly swollen; see Figures 29B, 30B, 31B, C (See Remarks below for further discussion of overall colony shape). Axis proteinaceous, generally well calcified, not very flexible, with hollow core. Color of axis variable between white, yellowish, and light brown. Color of living colony base, stem and branches bright coral red (orange-red), bright red, or dark red; red color enhanced by color of the sclerites, which are a bright, pale, transparent red. Polyps are (pale) yellow-colored when living; (Johnson and Snook (1927) stated the color of E.marki to be coral-red, with the living polyps yellowish white). When polyps visible in preserved specimens, they appeared white/cream. Coenenchyme moderately thick, rising in wall of polyp as eight very short folds. Polyps sit ~2.0 mm distant; polyps ~2.0 mm high, 1.0 mm broad, when extended; polyps fully retractile into coenenchyme surface, forming very low, rounded bumps (“polyp-mound”); aperture suggestive of a goblet/chalice shape; fortification of polyps weak. Kükenthal (1913a) stated that there are no calyces in this species, or at least are so negligible as to be virtually nonexistent (in describing Euplexauramarki, he indicated that there should be two transverse rings of large sclerites, one over folds in the polyp head and a second just below insertion of the tentacles). Sclerites of polyp body red, while sclerites of tentacles smaller, colorless, transparent, but of similar form. Occasionally, tentacle sclerites can be a bent spindle (Figures 34A–C, 35A–E, 36, 37A14, 1B3, 38A–E). Found initially in a specimen identified as this species (USNM 51500) was a sclerite form that was not clearly featured in sclerite descriptions for the genus, or other known species (Figures 34A–C, 35C, 36, 37A1, B1, 38B): in outer surface of branch coenenchyme lie sclerites whose basic form is a thick spindle, but on these sit two or more belts of very big, jagged warts. Through the development of these large warts, the spindle can have a contour that is nearly oval (these might be the tuberculate spheroids mentioned in original description; apparently a key sclerite form, for the genus Euplexaura, at least) to a distinct diamond shape. Occasionally, one can find on both ends of these spindles, dense triangular caps (Figure 34A–C, 35C, 36, 37A1, B1, 38B) separated by a smooth, usually thin, median waist, so that in this case, the term double spindle (double-head) could apply; these are characteristic and conspicuous of multiple specimens examined, and henceforth referred to as the double-dunce cap. Size of these outer spindles fluctuated considerably, with smallest only 0.05 mm in length, but often bigger (~0.2 mm). Those deeper into coenenchyme of branches had similar form, but warts were more rounded (Figures 35B, 37A3, B3, 38C). All of the more superficial sclerites are red, making the strong bright red color of the colony fairly pronounced.


In situ image of what appears to be Chromoplexauramarki, DSCN5297. Colony seen off Oregon coast. Without initial examination of sclerites, originally thought to be Swiftiasimplex; examination of sclerites aligned it with C.marki. There can be remarkable similarity in external gross appearance between the two species. Image courtesy of Peter Etnoyer, NOAA, 2010.

Chromoplexauramarki, SBMNH 423060 (Neotype). A This specimen, measuring 24–26 cm at greatest length, bears two different types of barnacle, a species that appears to be that of an acorn barnacle (forming the galls on this specimen), and clusters of a barnacle species that appears to be a “Lepas-type.” The sclerites from this colony aligned with known specimens of C.markiB Branch tips at greater magnification.

Chromoplexauramarki, SBMNH 423062. A Specimen (whole colony). Sclerites did not always consistently match sclerites seen in the species, illustrating variable nature of sclerite forms. Colony measures ~16 cm × 10 cm B Close up, branches and branch tips, clearly showing bright red-orange color and distinctly white polyps of the species C.marki.

Chromoplexauramarki, SBMNH 423072. A Colony with coenenchyme of a bright orange-red color with conspicuous white polyps. Sclerites did not always consistently match sclerites seen in the species, illustrating variable nature of sclerite forms. Specimen measures ~15.5 cm × ≤2 cm B Branch close-up, showing conspicuous white polyps C Close up of branch tip.

Chromoplexauramarki, SBMNH 265948. A Very small colony, 4.0 cm in length, excluding mass at base, which appears to be a sponge. Sclerites did not always consistently match sclerites seen in the species, illustrating variable nature of sclerite forms B Close up of extended polyps on single branch, each measuring ≤ 1.0 mm in height.

Species named in honor of EL Mark of Harvard University.

Common names.

MBARI (seen in a hall display, Summer 2008) referred to this species (and to any species from northern California appearing as a “red whip”) as “Red licorice gorgonian”.


Southern California; littoral and coast-abyssal (Kükenthal, 1924, as Euplexauramarki). Johnson and Snook (1927) noted the species living in deep water, taken with a dredge; specimens were collected off the Oregon coast, and are either in the Oceanography Department of Oregon State University, or in the personal collection of FP Belcik. Nutting (1909) reported numerous collection points, at stations near San Nicolas Island, and for stations near Point Piños Lighthouse, Monterey Bay. Likely, range extends from southern California to waters off Washington coast. There is the possibility that the species extends further north, to Alaska; further examinations of specimens from that area are in progress.


An unidentified, anecdotal comment indicated that this form is seen in the assemblage of organisms found at the head of Carmel Submarine Canyon, located offshore at San Jose Creek Beach, near Carmel, California; considered part of a deep-water assemblage that begins to appear at depths between 21–30 m, where turbulence is minimal and fine sediments accumulate on surface irregularities of rock walls. Between 30–61 m, the fauna appears to change very little, suggesting that many of these deep-water forms extend to greater depths.

The neotype designated here (SBMNH 423060, Figure 29) bears on several branches, enlargements that are in actuality gall-like growths, containing epizoic barnacles of the genus Conopea (likely Conopeagaleata). This is a consistent, common obligate commensal barnacle of gorgonians (Langstroth and Langstroth 2000). On SBMNH 423069 (previously SBMNH 40612), a large cluster of commensal acorn barnacles was seen, on bare-axis portions of the branches. Another specimen, SBMNH 423078, had attached to its bare axis something having, in general appearance, the wooly, cotton-like spittle-bug mass that insects are known to produce on plant stems. Conspicuous brittle stars are intertwined on branches on the specimen from off Newport, Oregon, SBMNH 423073.


Chromoplexauramarki, SBMNH 265935. A Two colonies, larger of the two (only 7.0 cm tall) with conspicuous brittle star attached. Sclerites did not always consistently match sclerites seen in the species, illustrating variable nature of sclerite forms B Close up of branch tip, showing placement of calyces, color of polyp body and tentacles.

Chromoplexauramarki, SBMNH 423060, light microscopy arrays. A 4× magnification. Note in particular the “triangular-capped” spindle designated with arrow. This sclerite form is never seen in specimens from the genus Swiftia (some species in genus Swiftia can look superficially like this species in overall colony form) B Additional image at 4× magnification of sclerites, illustrating further examples of “triangular-capped” spindles appearing commonly in ChromoplexauramarkiC 10× magnification of sclerites, showing variety, with particularly clear example of the “triangular-capped” spindle, indicated with arrow.

Chromoplexauramarki, SBMNH 423060, SEM image. A Anthocodial sclerites B Small coenenchymal forms C Larger, distinctive “double dunce-cap” spindles D Odd spindle E Still smaller coenenchymal sclerites. Images match variety shown in Williams 2013a (figs 14–17).

Chromoplexauramarki, SBMNH 423062, light microscopy array of sclerites, 10× magnification. Two sclerites, marked with arrows, are those that define the species (compare with those shown in Figure 34). The large central sclerite, just to left of image center, is > 100 µm in length, while non-capped spindles measure 100–130 µm.

Cordeiro et al. (2018f) lists Chromoplexauramarki as the only species in the genus Chromoplexaura in the WoRMS Database.

Kükenthal (1913a) had initially suggested that this species may equal Psammogorgiaarbuscula (Nutting, 1909) but later stated that characteristics of this species were completely different. The separation of these two species is reflected in Kükenthal (1924), with separate descriptions for E.marki and P.arbuscula (syn. Echinogorgiaarbuscula). Bayer (1956a), in his description of the two genera in question, Euplexaura Verrill, 1869 (colony in one plane) and Psammogorgia Verrill, 1868 (colony bushy), indicated some slight overlap.

Kükenthal (1913a; 1924) noted that prior to the discovery of this species, other species in the genus (Euplexaura) had only been found in the area of East Asia, from Japan to Singapore and West Australia. It appeared that this was the first red-colored member seen in Euplexaura and was the first of the genus from the west coast of North America.

In overall colony shape, some branching occurs; however, more often colony is a single, or rarely branched, stem; any branching from base results in a single or very scarcely branched “whip.” This would have been unique to this eastern Pacific species, along with its obvious, predominantly red sclerites, if it were truly in the genus Euplexaura (in most species of the genus, the sclerites are colorless); hence the need for the establishment of the new genus by Williams (2013a). In general colony color and shape, it would be quite easy to simply assume that this organism is Leptogorgiachilensis, but an examination of sclerites reveals the distinct differences.

Cairns et al. (2003) had this species listed as a junior synonym of Leptogorgiacaryi Verrill, 1868; as noted previously, this is not the case. According to unpublished notes by Bayer, C. (E.) marki might have been synonymous with Psammogorgiaspauldingi (now referred to as Swiftiaspauldingi). A possible synonymy was considered, with both Swiftiaspauldingi (Nutting, 1909), and/or Swiftiasimplex (Nutting, 1909). After examinations of multiple samples of what has been labeled as this species and those labeled as S.spauldingi or S.simplex, if any synonymy were to exist, it would be that between C. (E.) marki and S.spauldingi. With the very obvious large, broad spindles, the double-dunce sclerite, I consider this a separate species, but it does exhibit a strong superficial similarity to S.spauldingi and there are some shared sclerite forms. An initial conclusion arrived at some years ago (regarding synonymy with S.spaulding), seemed to have support with the discovery of a comment made by Bayer (1979). While the statement was an unexpected one to find in this particular article, finding it was noteworthy. It read “The colonies of A(delogorgia) telones are similar in general aspect to those of Euplexauramarki Kükenkthal (= Psammogorgiaabuscula sensu Nutting, not Verrill) and the closely related (if not identical) Psammogorgiaspauldingi Nutting, both of which have longer and less sinuous branches.” However, no anthocodial rods in the form of a fingerbiscuit, a key characteristic sclerite of species in the genus Swiftia Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864, have been found in C. (E.) marki specimens, and the initial conclusion was dismissed. A further discussion of California “red whip” diversity follows below and correlations are discussed in Part III of this collection review, on Swiftiacf.spauldingi, but also in the description for Swiftiasimplex.

An examination of several specimens (collected by P Etnoyer on a West Coast Survey for NOAA, in the Fall of 2010) was done at Etnoyer’s request. Made available were actual specimens, along with several in situ shots. In digital images, the little-branched colonies were a dirty brick-red or pink (Figure 28); coloring was seen in both extended polyps and throughout branch coenenchyme. An initial diagnosis of the specimens via still images was Swiftiasimplex. However, upon physical examination, the polyps themselves were actually white (indicating that only the tentacles were the pinkish color of the coenenchyme) and an examination of the sclerites revealed the large, broad double-dunce spindles so characteristic of C. (E.) marki. If one were to see a colony with little branching, having an overall dirty brick-red to pink color, and did not dissect out a polyp to reveal their white color, or examine the sclerites, an erroneous identification could be made. These specimens presented something of a quandary. Superficially, they looked very much like confirmed Swiftiasimplex, yet the sclerites revealed something different. There is a possibility that C. (E.) marki has color variants, with one looking very much like Swiftiasimplex. Thus, specimens previously identified in various museum collections as C. (E.) marki may not belong to the genus Chromoplexaura at all if double-dunce sclerites are not found, but finger-biscuit rods are.

MBARI has encountered many single or few-branched whips in their investigations. Many of these specimens have been recorded in video and in still photography; a few have actually been collected. A number of principal investigators identify many of these distinct whips as being this species (in genus Euplexaura, now Chromoplexaura). However, some of those identified as this species may actually be Swiftiasimplex; in overall shape very comparable, but in S.simplex, the color leans to a dull brick red rather than the usual bright red hue, and polyps of S.simplex are always the same color as the coenenchyme, not the “. . . .white, cream or yellow” polyps described for this species by Kükenthal (1913a, 1924), Johnson and Snook (1927) or Williams (2013). Collection of an array of these “whips” when encountered, along with examination of their sclerites and molecular testing of tissue could help to clear up any confusion surrounding these red whip species; in collaboration with E Berntson, M Everett and their colleagues at Northwest Fisheries Science Center (Port Orchard and Seattle, Washington), those needed examinations are currently being conducted.


Chromoplexauramarki, SEM images. ASBMNH 423061 A1 Double dunce-cap forms A2 Slightly smaller double dunce-cap forms A3 Coenenchymal sclerites A4 Anthocodial form BSBMNH 423072 B1 Double dunce-cap sclerites B2 Elongated spindles from coenenchyme B3 Coenenchymal sclerites. Images match variety shown in Williams 2013a (figs 14–17).

Chromoplexauramarki, SEM images, representative forms. SBMNH 265937. A Anthocodial form B Typical double-dunce-cap C Smaller (developing?) double dunce-cap D–E Coenenchymal sclerites. Images match variety shown in Williams 2013a (figs 14–17).

Eugorgiadanianae, SBMNH 422897. Shows complex branching that creates wide, flat fan. Colony is 24 cm high × 25.5 cm broad at widest point.

Adelogorgiaphyllosclera, SBMNH 51252. Colony measures 16.5 cm × 15.0 cm.

Adelogorgiaphyllosclera. ASBMNH 422403 [dry], slightly magnified image of branches BSBMNH 51252 [wet], rounded, slightly club-shaped branch tips.

Adelogorgiaphyllosclera, SBMNH 51252, SEM image. Sclerites red-orange in color. A Short warted spindles (middle and right, potentially anthocodial sclerites) B Characteristic “leaf scale” sclerites C Warted coenenchymal spindles. Compare leaf scales shown here to those seen in Bayer 1979 (figs 5c, 6c).
Appendix 1

List of material examined – Part II

(Material examined = whole colony study plus multiple sclerite preparations; all with light microscopy, plus selected colonies under SEM, shown in figures associated with text)

Adelogorgiaphyllosclera Bayer, 1958

Material examined. ~25 lots. USA, California – fragments, plus full colony; San Diego County, San Diego, Point Loma, 32°41'28"N, 117°16'53"W, station PL-13, no depth recorded; coll. SCCWRP, Sea Quest, 10 September 1975; LACoMNH Marine Biodiversity Center and SBMNH 422894 [wet]. – 1 fragment; Los Angeles County, off the southern California Channel Islands, seaward of Newport Beach, 33°34'02"N, 118°02'20"W, 96 m; coll. M Love via submersible ‘Delta’, 6 October 2005; (his number: A6651), SBMNH 422893 [wet]. –1 colony; Los Angeles County, Catalina Island, Bird Rock, 33°27'00"N, 118°29'14"W, 50 m; coll. R Given, July 1977; SBMNH 51252 [wet]. –1 colony; Los Angeles County, Santa Catalina Island, .33 miles, 180° T from Ship Rock Light, 33°27'19"N, 118°29'34"W, 58 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 2132-52, 22 July 1952; SBMNH 422308 [wet]. –1 colony; Los Angeles County, Santa Catalina Island, 4 miles, 140° T from Ship Rock Light, at Isthmus Cove, by dredge, 33°27'36"N, 118°28'58"W, 76 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 12400-68, 17 October 1968; SBMNH 423087 [dry]. –1 colony; Los Angeles County, off Santa Monica, South Banks, 33°53'00"N, 118°31'00"W, by trawl, 82–100 m; coll. unknown, 10 October 1978; SBMNH 422892 [wet]. MEXICO, Baja California Sur (Pacific Coast) – multiple fragments; southwest of Punta San Eugenio, 8.5 miles S of Canal de Dewey, 27°42'15"N, 115°05'02"W, 89 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1259-41, 27 February 1941; SBMNH 422309; [wet]. –3 colonies; Isla Natividad, 7.5 miles SSW of island, 27°44'17"N, 115°14'40"W, 115–120 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1258-41, bottom of loose rocks, coral, 27 February 1941; SBMNH 422403 [dry]. MEXICO, Baja California Norte (Pacific Coast) – multiple colonies; 8 miles W of Isla Cedros, 28°05'45"N, 115°31'35"W, 117–118 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1253-41, 26 February 1941; SBMNH 422310 [wet]. –multiple colonies/fragments; 1.5 miles off north end of Isla Cedros, 28°23'20"N, 115°11'52"W, 100–109 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1264-41, 28 February 1941; SBMNH 422311 [wet]. CENTRAL AMERICA – 1 colony, (no base); Panamá, Veraguas, off Bahía Honda, rock, sand and mud, 07°45'35"N, 81°35'35"W, 55–91 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 863-38, 01 March 1938; SBMNH 423058 [dry]. SOUTH AMERICA – multiple fragments; northern Pacific Ocean, Ecuador, Galápagos Islands, Off Bindloe (=Marchena Island), 00°18'20"N, 90°31'00"W, 27 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, Station 310-35, 3 December 1934; SBMNH 422312 [wet]. –1 colony (bleached); southern Pacific Ocean, Galápagos Islands, Santa Cruz Island, off Gordon Rocks, 00°33'30"S, 90°09'45"W, 46–55 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 317-35, 8 December 1934; SBMNH 422891 (‘Velero’ label written in error, 317-37) [wet]. Note: Specimens listed from Central/South America possibly one or more of several new species recently described by Breedy and Guzmán 2018.

Other material examined. USA, California – 1 fragment; San Diego County, taken off shore, BI 53-4, SIO 61-517, 32°38'33"N, 117°15'34"W, 30 m, with dredge; coll. unknown, 19 November 1953 (0900); SIO-CO 457 [wet]. –2 fragments; San Diego County, SI 50, from Canyon Rim, 80 m; coll. unknown, 2 October 1965; SIO-CO 1683 (two specimens in the one lot) [wet]. –San Diego County, Canyon Rim, SL 49-b. 80 m; coll. R Grigg, 2 October 1965 (1200); SIO-CO 1605 [wet]. –San Diego County, off La Jolla, Station 8, La Jolla Canyon, 114-40 m, rock dredge–rock, sand, clay; coll. unknown, 7 January 1954; SIO-CO 1588 [wet]. –multiple colonies; San Diego County, La Jolla, La Jolla Canyon, South Wall, 64 m; coll. C Limbaugh and party, 11 September 1957; [NMNH collection, no catalog number, dry]. –Los Angeles County, Santa Monica, 33°52'08"N, 118°34'05"W, 73 m; coll. unknown, 29 March 1974; SIO-CO 1579 [wet].

Other material, not examined. USA, California – San Diego County, San Diego, 32°45'06"N, 117°30'00"W, 9–24 m; coll. C Limbaugh, Station 1166, 3 July 1906; USNM 57456 [wet]. –2 colonies; USA, California, San Diego County, La Jolla, 400 miles west of Point La Jolla, 18–21 m; coll. C Limbaugh, 14 December 1953; ParatypeUSNM 50187 [dry]. –6 colonies; USA, California, San Diego County, La Jolla, La Jolla Canyon, 46–52 m; coll. C Limbaugh, 8 October 1955; ParatypeUSNM 50188 [dry]. –1 colony; USA, California, San Diego County, La Jolla, La Jolla Canyon, 40–43 m; coll. R Ghilardi and party, 19 January 1956; ParatypeUSNM 50635 [dry]. –USA, California, San Diego County, La Jolla, La Jolla Point, 32°51'01"N, 117°21'02"W, 104–130 m; coll. R/V ‘Albatross’, Station 4328, 8 March 1904; USNM 51320 [dry].

Eugorgiadaniana Verrill, 1868

Material examined. ~10 lots MEXICO, Baja California Sur (Pacific Coast) – 1 colony; 2 miles, 220° T from Punta San Eugenio, 27°49'30"N, 115°05'10"W, 38 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 11514-67, 15 June 1967; SBMNH 422895 [wet]. MEXICO, Baja California Norte (Pacific Coast) – 1 colony; Isla Cedros, coast side, 28°13'00"N, 115°10'00"W; coll. Pacific BioMarine, received from Carmelita Freeman, 26 April 1974; SBMNH 422897 [DH 423 = SBMNH-10]; [dry]. –1 colony; Isla Cedros, 10 miles S of Punta Norte on east side of island, 28°13'00"N, 115°10'00"W, 9 m; coll. R McPeak, 22 February 1983; SBMNH 422404 (B1545) [dry]. MEXICO, Baja California Norte (Gulf of California) – 1 colony; Bahía de Los Angeles, Isla Mitlan, 29°04'00"N, 113°31'00"W, 6 m; coll. R McPeak, 12 September 1980; SBMNH 422405 [dry]. MEXICO (Gulf of California) – 1 colony; Sonora, Bahía de Cholla (= Choya), 31°20'46"N, 113°38'14"W; coll. J Wilkins, 23 February 1959; SBMNH 422896 [DH 433 = SBMNH-20] [dry].

Other material examined – fragment; northern Pacific Ocean, Mexico, Baja California Sur, offshore island of Isla Socorro, outside Punta Tosca, ~18/19°00'00"N, 112°00'00"W, 21 m; coll. unknown, 4 February 1964; SIO CO 1686 [wet]. –1 colony; northern Pacific Ocean, Mexico, Baja California Sur, Puerto (Bahía) San Bartolomé (Tortugas or Turtle Bay); coll. unknown, 14 March 1961; USNM 52484 [dry]. –fragment; USA, California, San Diego County, Loma Sea Valley, due west of Point Loma, by otter trawl 1, ST-908, 326–351 m; coll. Fager party, 21 January 1965; SIO CO 1684 (Acc. No. BI 65-33) [wet]. –1 colony; California, San Diego County, San Diego, Escondida Bay; coll. unknown, 14 November 1868; USNM 57302 [dry].

Eugorgiarubens Verrill, 1868

Material examined. ~ 50 lots. USA, California – 1 colony; California Channel Islands, on a specimen shell of Haliotissorenseni (SBMNH 349096); coll. Leon Bray, 1964 [dry]. –1 fragment; Orange County, 1 mile S of Newport Harbor, 33°36'30"N, 117°54'30"W, vertical south face of shale reef, 17 m; coll. R Given, by hand, SCUBA, 05 October 1957; SBMNH 422313 [wet]. –1 colony (stripped); Santa Catalina Island, 1.5 miles, 130° T from Long Point Light, urchins, crinoids, dead brachiopod, diversified, very rich, 33°23'48"N, 118°21'16"W to 33°22'57"N, 118°19'54"W, 84 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, Station 2226-53, 28 February 1953; SBMNH 422314 [wet]. –1–2 colonies; Los Angeles County, Santa Catalina Island, between Avalon and Long Point, 33°23'30"N, 118°21'50"W, 55–80 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1167-40, 08 August 1940; SBMNH 422407; SBMNH-14 [dry]. –colony fragments; Los Angeles County, .33 miles, 180° T from Santa Catalina Island, Ship Rock Light, dredge–brachiopods, rocky sand bottom, 33°27'19"N, 118°29'34"W, 58 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 2132-52, 22 July 1952; SBMNH 422315[wet]. –multiple fragments; Los Angeles County, 7.35 miles, 89° T to Manhattan Beach Pier, 33°53'18"N, 118°32'45"W, 58 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 24493-76, 10 March 1976; (with label– AHF 24493, BLM Ref. station 360; Leg. Mo. 08); SBMNH 422099 [wet]. –fragment; Los Angeles County, off Rocky Point, close to Point Vicente, S end of Santa Monica Bay, ~33°44'33"N, 118°25'28"W; coll. by C Limbaugh; 5 October 1941; SBMNH 422898 [wet]. –multiple fragments; Los Angeles County, 10.75 miles W. of Point Dume, on loose rock, sponge, 34°00'00"N, 119°01'20"W, 87 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1276-41, 23 March 1941; SBMNH 422324 [wet]. –1 colony; Ventura County, Rincon, 34°22'27"N, 119°28'27"W, 98 m; coll. P Brophy, commercial otter trawl, 01 May 1968; SBMNH 422901 [DH 421 = SBMNH-08; dry]. –1 colony; Ventura County, Anacapa Island, 34°01'00"N, 119°21'43"W, 11 m; coll. B Scronce and M Conboy, by hand, SCUBA, 29 January 1964; SBMNH 422900 [DH 432 = SBMNH-19; dry]. –1 colony; Ventura County, Anacapa Island, 34°01'00"N, 119°21'43"W, reef and cove, northeast end of island, 11 m; coll. B Scronce and party, by hand, SCUBA, 29 January 1964; SBMNH 45561 [ex MacGinitie collection; wet]. –1 colony; Ventura County, Anacapa Island, 34°01'00"N, 119°21'43"W, reef and cove, northeast end of island, 17–18 m; coll. B Scronce and party, 29 January 1964; SBMNH 45562 [ex MacGinitie collection; wet]. –1 fragment; Ventura County, Anacapa Island, windward side, 34°00'36"N, 119°24'02"W, 15–24 m; coll. M Hamann and S Bobzin, 21 February 1998; SBMNH 345323 [wet]. –1 colony; Santa Barbara County, Santa Cruz Island, 34°01'14"N, 119°41'05"W, seaward side; 15–18 m; coll. W Hary, February 1967; SBMNH 422411 [dry]. –1 colony fragment; Santa Barbara County, basin off Santa Cruz Island (Santa Barbara Basin/Channel), 15.5 mi., 139°T, from Santa Barbara Light, Santa Barbara, CA, 34°20'15"N, 119°37'45"W, 51 m; coll. T Phillips, R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 13617-69, 13 November 1969; SBMNH 422409 [DH 428 = SBMNH-15; dry]. –small colony and fragments; Monterey County, Point Sur, 36°16'07"N, 121°55'13"W, 65 m; coll. T Laidig, NMFS-FED, Santa Cruz, 13 October 2007; SBMNH 235537 [dry]. MEXICO, Baja California Sur (Pacific Coast) – several fragments; 28 miles, 199° T from Abreojos Light, S of Punta Abreojos, dredge–brachiopods, #12 coarse sand and rock, 26°17'15"N, 113°41'45"W (end), 100 m; coll. ‘Velero IV’, station 1709-49, 7 March 1949; SBMNH 422327 [wet]. –1 colony; 6.5 miles, 167° T from Punta Abreojos, dredge–coarse mud and sand, mud bottom, 26°35'27"N, 113°31'45"W (end), 51 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 1954-50, 29 April 1950; SBMNH 422316 [wet]. –2 colonies; SE of Isla Asunción, pinnacles near the “6 fathom spot, 27°06'28"N, 114°17'30"W, 23–27 m; coll. RH McPeak, station B, 11-14 Nov. 1981; SBMNH 422412 [dry]. –2 colonies; 8.5 miles south of Canal de Dewey, sand, broken shell, gravel, 27°42'15"N, 115°05'02"W (end), 89 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1259-41, 27 Feb. 1941; SBMNH 422323 [wet]. MEXICO, Baja California Norte (Pacific Coast) – 1 colony; Islas San Benitos, 28°18'10"N, 115°33'20"W, in Phyllospadix, 5 m; coll. Santa Catalina Island Lab, 15 August 1977; SBMNH 422413 [dry]. –1 colony; 8 mi. SW of Isla Cedros, green, fine sand, coral, 28°00'00"N, 115°29'00"W (end), 115–118 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1254-41, 26 Feb. 1941; SBMNH 422318 [wet]. –several colonies; 8 miles W of Isla Cedros, gravel, loose rock, 28°05'45"N, 115°31'35"W (end), 116–118 M; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1253-41, 26 Feb. 1941; SBMNH 422317 [wet]. –1 colony; 1.5 miles off N end of Isla Cedros, fine sand, broken shell, 28°22'18"N, 115°11'00"W (end), 82–100 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1263-41, by small dredge, 28 Feb. 1941; SBMNH 422329 [wet]. –1 fragment; 1.5 miles off N end of Isla Cedros, shale, pebbles, 28°23'20"N, 115°11'52"W (end), 100–109 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1264-41, by small dredge, 28 Feb. 1941; SBMNH 422328 [wet]. –multiple fragments; 6.5 miles SW of Punta San Carlos, dredge, rocky bottom, 29°33'30"N, 115°35'28"W (end), 36 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 1944-50, 25 April 1950; SBMNH 422325 [wet]. –1 colony; 4 mi. N of Isla Todos Santos, on rock, 31°52'10"N, 116°49'25"W (end), 73 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1244-41, 24 Feb. 1941; SBMNH 422319 [wet]. MEXICO, Baja California Sur (Gulf of California) – 1 fragment; E of Isla San Francisco (Francisquito), sandy mud, 24°47'25"N, 110°31'20"W, 109 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 651-37, 9 March 1937; SBMNH 422330 [wet].

Other Material Examined. USA, California – San Diego County, San Diego, off Point Loma, 32°35'05"N, 117°20'02"W, 91–101 m, by otter trawl; coll. R/V ‘E.B. Scripps’ (student cruise), A Fleminger, 15 November 1980; SIO-CO 912 [wet]. –1 colony; San Diego County, Canyon Rim, 80 m; coll. R Grigg, Cruise SI 49a, 2 October 1965; (was SIO/BIC CO 1593(b), now SIO-CO 2087(a)); [wet]. –1 fragment; San Diego County, Canyon Rim, 77–80 m; coll. unknown, Cruise SI 50, 02 October 1965; (was SIO/BIC CO 1683(a), now SIO-CO 2088, 2089 or 2090) [wet]. –San Diego County (?), Sea Lab SL 49-d, 80 m; coll. R Grigg, 2 October 1965; SIO-CO 1578 [wet]. –San Diego County, La Jolla, La Jolla Canyon, 47 m; coll. R Ghilardi and party, 4 March 1959; SIO-CO 1685; [wet]. –1 colony; San Diego County; Station 2104, 86 m; det. M Lilly and D Pasko, City of San Diego, MBL, 26 July 1996; [dry]. –1 colony; Los Angeles County, San Clemente Island, NE side, at Forbidden Reef, 33°00'51"N, 118°20'37"W; coll. J Cooper, 11 June 1982; MLML CO 109 [wet]. –Los Angeles County, Santa Monica, 33°52'08"N, 118°34'05"W (end), 73 m; 29 March 1974; SIO-CO 1629 [wet]. –Ventura County, Anacapa Island, south side, 34°00'00"N, 119°26'00"W, 15–26 m; coll. FG Hochberg, 20 November 1964. LACoMNH No. 64-28 [wet].

Eugorgialjubenkovia sp. nov.

Material examined. 5 lots; two specimens of species in SBMNH collection from Mexico; another 3 lots, collected by staff of OCSD in California waters, now housed at SBMNH. – fragment; USA, California, Orange County, off Huntington Beach, by Van Veen grab, ~33°36'34"N, 118°02'32"W, 30 m; coll. OCSD, Survey 94–100, station 34, Rep. 1, 1994; material from J Ljubenkov; SBMNH 472234 [wet]. –numerous fragments; USA, California, Orange County, off Huntington Beach, otter trawl, ~33°35'41"N, 117°59'34"W, 35 m; coll. OCSD, Survey 8718, station T-2, Rep. 1, Haul 1, 13 January 1987; Bottle 0011, SBMNH 472232 [wet]. –1 colony + fragment; USA, California, Orange County, off Huntington Beach, otter trawl, at night, ~33°35'57"N, 118°02'47"W, 36 m; coll. OCSD, Survey 8836, station T-6, Rep. 1, 1988; Bottle 0080, SBMNH 472233 [wet]. MEXICO, Baja California Norte y Sur – 1 strand; 28 miles south of Punta Abreojos, bearing 199° T from Abreojos Light, 26°17'30"N, 113°41'45"W, 98 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 1709-49, 7 March 1949; SBMNH 472245 [wet]. –colony fragments; Isla Cedros, S Bay, dredge—sand and mud, Lovena (heart urchin), sponges, 28°04'21"N, 115°17'50"W (end), 29 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 1703-49, 5 March 1949; SBMNH 422333–Holotype [wet].

Leptogorgiachilensis (Verrill, 1868)

Material examined. ~25 lots. USA, California – 1 colony (partial); Los Angeles County, Farnsworth Bank, dredge—bryozoan, 33°20'39"N, 118°30'55"W (end), 15 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, 1904-49, 7 September 1949; SBMNH 422940 [wet]. –1+ colony; Los Angeles County, 5 miles, 152° from San Pedro Breakwater, 33°38'20"N, 118°12'00"W, 31–35 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1232-41, 15 February 1941; SBMNH 423066 [wet]. –1+ colony + fragments; Los Angeles County, 2.25 miles south of San Pedro Breakwater, 33°40'30"N, 118°14'20"W, 27 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1207-40, 24 November 1940; SBMNH 423067 [wet]. –two fragments; Los Angeles County, Palos Verdes Estates, 33°47'18"N, 118°24'47"W; coll. T Burch, station 40129, 22 August 1940; SBMNH 422954 [wet]. –multiple fragments; Los Angeles County,7.35 miles, 89° T to Manhattan Beach Pier, 33°53'18"N, 118°32'45"W (end), 58 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 24493-76, 10 March 1976; SBMNH 422943 [wet]. –2 colonies; Ventura County, Anacapa Island, 34°00'14"N, 119°23'41"W, 6 m; coll. unknown, 24 January 1963; with hydroid colony on one branch; SBMNH 422944 [wet]. –1 colony; Ventura County, Anacapa Island, 100 yards out from Cat Rock, 34°00'13"N, 119°25'16"W, 17–18 m; coll. B Scronce and party, 30 October 1962; SBMNH 422945 [wet]. –1 colony; Santa Barbara County, ~6 miles south and west of Summerland coast, on northwest corner of Platform “A”, ~34°20'49"N, 119°38'25"W, ~39 m; coll. S Clark, 3 December 2010; SBMNH 265962 [wet]. –1 colony; Santa Barbara County, Goleta, Sands Beach, 34°24'00"N, 119°53'00"W, ~6 m; coll. R/V ‘Vantuna’ Cruise, 469—Mar. Bio, November 2001; SBMNH 422953–Neotype [wet]. MEXICO, Baja California Sur (Pacific Coast) – 1 colony + branch fragments; 6.5 miles, 167° T from Punta Abreojos, dredge–coarse mud and sand, mud bottom, 26°35'27"N, 113°31'45"W (end), 51 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 1954-50, 29 April 1950; SBMNH 422947 [wet]. –2 colonies; Canal de Dewey, opposite Punta San Eugenia, coralline, rock, 27°49'40"N, 115°06'20"W (end), 38–47 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1260-41, 27 February 1941; SBMNH 422949 [wet]. –1 colony; 2 miles, 220° T from Punta San Eugenia, 27°49'30"N, 115°05'10"W (end), 38 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 11514-67, 15 June 1967; SBMNH 422950 [wet]. MEXICO, Baja California Norte (Pacific Coast) – 1 fragment; South Bay, Isla Cedros, rock, along margin of kelp bed, 28°04'45"N, 115°21'05"W, 18–27 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, 287-34, 10 March 1934; SBMNH 422951 [wet]. –1 colony, incomplete; 6.5 miles SW of Punta San Carlos, dredge–rocky bottom, 29°33'30"N, 115°35'28"W (end), 36 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 1944-50, 25 April 1950; SBMNH 422952 [wet].

Other material examined. USA, California – 3 fragments; San Diego County, Canyon Rim, 73 m; coll. R Grigg, Cruise SI 49a, 4 October 1965; SIO/BIC 1593(a) [wet]. –1 strand; San Diego County, Canyon Rim, 70–73; coll. unknown, Cruise SI 50, 2 October 1965; SIO/BIC CO 1683(c) [wet]. –2 lots; colony/fragments; San Diego County, Scripps Submarine Canyon, off Scripps Institute, 15–21 m & 23–30 m; coll. C Limbaugh, December 1953; [Limbaugh Collection, NMNH, dry]. –1+colony/ fragments; San Diego County, La Jolla Canyon, one quarter mile off Scripps Institute, 46 m; coll. C Limbaugh, 23 July 1954; [Limbaugh Collection, NMNH, dry]. –colony/ fragments; San Diego County, one quarter mile off Point La Jolla, edge of kelp bed, 18–21 m; coll. C Limbaugh, 14 December 1953; [Limbaugh Collection, NMNH, dry]. –colony/fragments; San Diego County, 1 mile north of La Jolla, 29 m; coll. C Limbaugh, 11 February 1952; [Limbaugh Collection, NMNH, dry]. –1 colony; Los Angeles County, San Clemente Island, NE side of island, Forbidden Reef, 33°01'26"N, 118°20'17"W; coll. J Cooper, by SCUBA, 11 June 1982; MLML C0108 [wet]. –colony/fragments; Los Angeles County, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica Bay, Streetcar Reef, ~33°51'00"N, 118°25'04"W, 15 m; coll. unknown, 18 July 1961; [Limbaugh Collection, NMNH, dry]. –colony/fragments; Los Angeles County, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica Bay, Streetcar Reef, 18 m; coll. unknown, 14 September 1961; [Limbaugh Collection, NMNH, dry]. –colony/fragments; Ventura County, ~10 miles south of Santa Barbara, California, Richfield Oil Island, 5–9 m; coll. unknown, 16 May 1961; [Limbaugh Collection, NMNH, dry]. –1 colony (possibly this species); Santa Barbara County, S side of Santa Cruz Island, Smuggler's Cove, 34°01'13"N, 119°32'25"W, washed up on cobbles; coll. N Moore, det. EA Horvath, photographed only, 10 March 2008 [dry]. MEXICO, Baja (Pacific Coast) – colony/fragments; MEXICO, Baja California Sur, Bahia Tortugas area, ~15–18 m; coll. J Stewart, November 1959; [Limbaugh Collection, NMNH, dry]. –colony/fragments; MEXICO, Baja California Norte, Isla Guadalupe, 42 m; coll. J Stewart and party, February 1960 [Limbaugh Collection, NMNH, dry].

Other material, not examined – 1 specimen: USA, California, Santa Barbara County, Santa Cruz Island, Smuggler’s Cove, 21 m.; coll. B Scronce and party, by diving, 24 January 1963; [DH 426 = SBMNH-13 [dry], missing from SBMNH collection.

Leptogorgiadiffusa (Verrill, 1868)

Material examined. 4 lots. MEXICO (Gulf of California) – 1 colony; Sonora, Cabo Tepoca, 30°15'45"N, 112°53'20"W, on shore–rock and reef; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1077-40, 4 February 1940; SBMNH 423089 [dry]. –multiple colonies; Sonora, off Rocky Point, mud, sand and shell, 31°19'50"N, 113°39'10"W (end), 18–20 m; coll. R.V ‘Velero III’, station 1072-40, 2 February 1940; SBMNH 423088 [dry]. –1 colony; Sonora, Bahia de Choya (Cholla), ~31°21'19"N, 113°37'26"W; coll./legit. JW with # 038-1, 25 February 1959; SBMNH 423090 [dry].

Other material examined –1 colony; USA, California, San Diego County, San Diego, off shore; coll. J Stewart, 1965; CAS IZ 97890 [dry].

Leptogorgiafilicrispa Horvath, 2011

Material examined. ~9 lots. USA, California – 2 fragments (1 lot); Ventura County, off Ventura Harbor, collected with ovulid snails, 34°14'00"N, 119°19'00"W, 20–50 m; coll. P Brophy, trawled by dragnets, August 1968; SBMNH 423079 [housed in vial, in ovulid snail collection, Neosimnia nec Simnialoebbeckeana, SBMNH 423103, dry]. MEXICO, Baja California Sur (Pacific Coast) – multiple colonies (1 lot); off Boca Flor de Malva, SE of Punta Tosca, 24°11'07"N, 111°21'03"W, 69–87 m; coll. J McLean on R/V ‘Searcher’, Station 31–32, No. 71–16, 1 February 1971; SBMNH 423057–Holotype [DH 415 = SBMNH-06, dry].

Other material examined. MEXICO (Gulf of California) – several fragments; Gulf of California, Sonora, Mexico, Guaymas, 28°15'00"N, 111°48'00"W (end), 64–75 m; coll. unknown, 21 March 1960; USNM 75099 [wet]. –numerous fragments/colonies; Sonora, Cabo Tepoca, 30°20'30"N, 113°08'00"W, 56–67 m; coll. R Parker, 31 March 1960; (with a station number: P-212-60); USNM 1106683 [dry]. MEXICO, Baja California Sur (Pacific Coast) – multiple fragments/colonies; Cabo San Lucas Canyon, ~22°54'09"N, 109°22'45"W, on sand bottom, 30 m; coll. W North and C Limbaugh, March 1959; USNM 1106685 [dry]. –multiple fragments; off Boca Flor de Malva, SE of Punta Tosca, 24°11'07"N, 111°21'03"W, 69–87 m; coll. J McLean on R/V ‘Searcher’, Station 31–32, No. 71–16, 1 February1971; LACoMNHHoloparalectotype [DH 218, SBMNH06, dry]. –multiple fragments; off Boca Flor de Malva, SE of Punta Tosca, 24°11'07"N, 111°21'03"W, 69–87 m; coll. J McLean on R/V ‘Searcher’, Station 31–32, No. 71-16, 1 February1971; LACoMNHHoloparalectotype [DH 415, SBMNH06, dry]. –multiple fragments; Cabo San Lazaro, 24°48'00"N, 112°19'12"W, by shrimp trawler, 65–73 m; coll. C Limbaugh, sometime in the 1950s; USNM 1106684 [dry]. –several fragments; Magdalena Bay, ~24°38'11"N, 111°58'15"W, 86 m; coll. unknown on R/V ‘Albatross’, 8 April 1889; USNM 57144 [wet]. –multiple fragments; SW Punta San Juanico, outer coast, ~26°12'33"N, 112°30'49"W, (no depth recorded); coll. unknown, 29 January 1971; LACoMNH [DH240, dry].

Leptogorgiaflexilis (Verrill, 1868)

Material examined. 5 lots. USA, California – 1 colony fragment (base missing); Los Angeles County, San Pedro, 6.9 miles, 139° T from Point Fermin, dredge–sand, 33°37'04"N, 118°11'50"W (end), 45 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, 2042-51, 20 July 1951; SBMNH 422941 [wet]. –2 lots; colony, fragmented; Los Angeles County, between White's Point and Portuguese Bend, 33°42'54"N, 118°20'07"W (end), by beam trawl, 22 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 1644-48, 19 November 1948; SBMNH 422942 [dry & wet]. MEXICO, Baja California Sur (Pacific Coast) – fragments; 28 miles, 199° T from Abreojos Light, S of Punta Abreojos, dredge–brachiopods, beam trawl–# 12 coarse sand and rock, 26°17'15"N, 113°41'45"W (end), 100 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 1709-49, 7 March 1949; SBMNH 422946 [wet]. –1 colony + multiple fragments; 2 miles, 142° T from Thurloe Head, 27°35'45"N, 114°49'15"W, no depth recorded; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 11842-67, 7 December 1967; SBMNH 422948 [wet].

Leptogorgia sp. A (? = LeptogorgiatricorataBreedy and Cortés 2011)

Material examined. ~10-11 lots. USA, California – 2 colonies, 1 fragment; 9.5 miles NW of buoy, Cortes Bank, white sand, rock, 32°33'15"N, 119°15'15"W, 91 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1342-41, 10 June 1941; SBMNH 423080 [wet]. –4 colonies; Los Angeles County, Santa Catalina Island, 1 mile SW of Ben Weston Point, mud, sand, gravel, 33°20'55"N, 118°30'45(35)” W (end), 82–89 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1316-41, 17 May 1941; SBMNH 422334 [wet]. –1 colony; Los Angeles County, Santa Catalina Island, Bird Rock, ~33°27'05"N, 118°29'10"W, 46 m; coll. R Given, July 1977; SBMNH 423083 [wet]. –1 fragment; Los Angeles County, Santa Catalina Island, off Bird Rock, rock, coarse shell, kelp; sm. dredge boat, 33°27'20"N, 118°29'00"W (end), 56–73 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1187-40, 29 September 1940; SBMNH 423081 [wet]. –1 fragment; Ventura County, Santa Barbara Island, N of island, 33°30'58"N, 119°00'50"W, on gray sand, 67-73 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III,’ station 1177-40, 9 September 1940; SBMNH 422903 [wet]. –2 colony fragments; Los Angeles County, off Rocky Point, close in proximity to Point Vicente (S end of Santa Monica Bay), ~33°44'33"N, 118°25'28"W; coll. C Limbaugh, 5 October 1941; SBMNH 423082 [wet]. –numerous colonies/fragments; 10.75 miles W of Point Dume, on loose rock and sponge, 34°00'15"N, 119°01'30"W (end), 86-87 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1276-41, 23 March 1941; SBMNH 422340 [wet]. –fragment; Santa Barbara County, Channel Island area, ~34°06'56"N, 119°42'49"W, by trawl; coll. P Brophy; SBMNH 423084 [wet].

Other material examined – fragment; Mexico, Baja California Norte (Gulf of California), NE of Isla San Jose, Isla Las Animas, 28°42'14"N, 112°55'43"W, epizooic on “black coral, 36–42 m; coll. Adcock and Markham, Station D-24B, 11 August 1965 (identified in error by Harden as Heterogorgiatortuosa); CAS-IZ 96757 [wet]. –1 colony; USA, California, San Diego County, near coast of San Diego, no depth recorded; coll. J Stewart (UCSD diver), 1965 (identified in error by Harden as H.tortuosa); CAS-IZ 98140 [dry]. –1 strand; USA, California, San Diego County, Canyon Wall (1200), 82 m; coll. R Grigg, Cruise SL 49c, 2 October 1965; SIO-CO 1594 [wet]. –colony fragment; USA, California, Ventura County, Channel Islands, 10 miles E of San Nicolas Island, ~33°12'19"N, 119°43'29"W, 91 m; coll. (possible ‘Albatross’ collection, according to Harden; identified in error as Heterogorgiapapillosa), 29 March 1917; CAS-IZ 34636 [wet].

Other material, not examined – Japan, Shizuoka, Honshu Island, Suruga Bay, Omae Zaki, 34°35'00"N, 138°15'00"E; coll. R/V ‘Albatross’, station nos. 3727-3735, US Fish Commission, 16 May 1900, 62–89 m; USNM 50248 [wet].

Chromoplexauramarki (Kükenthal, 1913)

Material examined. ~60 lots. USA, California – (?)1 colony; Ventura/Los Angeles County, 20–22 miles south of San Nicolas Island, rocky, 32°51'00"N, 119°23'45"W, 118–136 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, 1344-41, 11 June 1941; SBMNH 423071 [wet]. –4 fragments (2 lots); Los Angeles County, Santa Catalina Island, 5 miles SE of Church Rock, 33°16'00"N, 118°13'45"W (end), 215 m on sand, loose washed rock; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, Station 1350-41, 12 June 1941; SBMNH 265946 [wet]. –multiple fragments/colonies (two lots); Los Angeles/Ventura County, off San Nicolas Island, with sponge, rock, 33°16'10"N, 119°24'30"W (end), sponge and rock, 51–56 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, 1123-40, 12 April 1940; SBMNH 423061 [wet]. –3 colonies, 1 fragment; Los Angeles County, 2.5 miles SE of Seal Rocks, Santa Catalina Island, 33°17'20"N, 118°15'35"W (end), rock, lumpy gray sand, sponge, urchin, gorgonians, hermits, 158-173 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1429-41, 25 October 1941; SBMNH 265948 [wet]. –1 colony; Los Angeles County, 5 miles, 152° T from San Pedro Breakwater, 33°38'20"N, 118°12'10"W (end), coarse sand, dead shell, clay, 31–35 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, 1232-41, 15 February 1941; SBMNH 423066 [wet]. –1 colony; Los Angeles County, 2.25 miles south of San Pedro Breakwater, 33°40'30"N, 118°14'20"W (end), sand, pebble, broken shell, 27 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, 1207-40, 24 November 1940; SBMNH 423067 [wet]. –multiple fragments (bearing numerous brittle stars); Santa Barbara County, Santa Cruz Island, 13 miles, 5° T to Gull Island Light, 33°44'00"N, 119°51'00"W, 155 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 24329-76, 21 January 1976; SBMNH 265935 (with label reading: 24329 BFI) [wet]. –fragment; Santa Barbara County, 16.5 miles SE X S of South Point, Santa Rosa Island, 33°38'35"N, 119°58'05” (end) W, rocks, crinoids, brittle stars, 131–140 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1397-41, 27 August 1941; SBMNH 265936 [wet]. –1 colony; Santa Barbara County, Santa Rosa Island, 6.27 miles, 341° T to Ford Point, 33°48'45"N, 119°59'20"W (end), 104 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 23065-75, 18 October 1975; SBMNH 265937 (with label reading: 23065 6C) [wet]. –1 colony; Santa Barbara, County, San Miguel Island, 3.7 miles, 21° T to Crook Point, 33°56'48"N, 120°21'42"W (end), 118 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 24882-76, 28 April 1976; SBMNH 265949 (with label reading: 24882 CH) [wet]. –1 colony; Santa Barbara County, south side of Santa Cruz Island, gray sand, shell, 33°57'45"N, 119°38'20"W (end), 67–73 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, 1191-40, 30 September 1940; SBMNH 423068 [wet]. –1 colony; 2.6 miles, 140° T to Cavern Point, Santa Cruz Island, 34°04'30"N, 119°34'18"W (end), 76 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 24863-76, 27 April 1976; SBMNH 423064 [wet]. –1 colony (fragments); Ventura County, 1 mile, 231.5° T from Ventura Pier Light, 34°10'00"N, 118°26'57"W, no depth; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 5828-58, 21 August 1958; SBMNH 265947 [wet]. –(?)1 colony; Monterey County, off San Jose Creek Beach (N end), Carmel Submarine Canyon, 36°32'00"N, 121°56'00"W, 12–38 m; coll. J H McLean; 1960-1964; SBMNH 423070 [wet] (formerly part of Los Angeles County Museum collection). –1 small colony; Monterey County, Point Sur, 36°17'02"N, 121°57'09"W, 56 m, on large rock; coll. D Starr, NMFS-FED, Santa Cruz, 13 October 2007; SBMNH 235536 [dry]. –1 fragment; Monterey County, southwest of Point Pinos, 36°37'25"N, 121°58'25"W, rock and sponges, 47 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, 891-38, 8 August 1938; SBMNH 423062 [wet]. –1 colony; Monterey County, Monterey Bay, 1.15 miles, 347° T from Point Pinos Light, on rock, 36°38'54"N, 121°56'15"W; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 6437-59, 30 September 1959; SBMNH 423065 [wet]. –fragments; Monterey County, Monterey Bay, off Point Pinos, rock, crinoids, brittle stars, 36°39'50"N, 121°58'00"W, 89–98 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 890-38, 8 August 1938; SBMNH 423063 [wet]. –1 colony; Monterey County, Monterey, 36°47'00"N, 122°02'00"W, ~22 m; coll. T Burch, BLM Ref. Sta. 360, 18 August 1940, with label (Burch # 40128); SBMNH 423060–Neotype [dry]. –1 colony + fragments; Monterey County, Monterey, 36°47'00"N, 122°02'00"W, ~22 m; coll. T Burch, possible BLM Ref. Sta. 360, 18 August 1940, with label (Burch # 40128); SBMNH 423072 [wet]. –1 colony; Monterey County, Monterey, 36°47'00"N, 122°02'00"W, ~30–45 m; coll. T Burch (Acc. No. 3665), BLM Ref. Sta. 360, 18 August 1940; SBMNH 422954 [wet]. –1 colony; Santa Cruz County, Santa Cruz, 36°57'07"N, 122°00'36"W, 30 m; coll. Kinnetics Lab; Station 1, 7 July 1978; with barnacles growing on the colony, where some branches come off of main “stem;” SBMNH 423069 (previous no. 40612, not in Data Base; specimen originally labeled Psammogorgiatorreyi). [wet]. USA, Oregon – 1 colony plus fragments; Lincoln County, 15 nautical miles off coast of Newport, Oregon, Station NH-15, 44°39'28"N, 124°24'29"W, 85 m; coll. R/V ‘Yaquina’, Cruise Y6906C, 27 June 1969; SBMNH 423073 [wet].

Other material examined. USA, California – multiple fragments; San Luis Obispo County, 27° off Avila Beach, starting just N of bell buoy, around Souza Rock, ~35°10'35"N, 120°44'16"W, 36 m; coll. R/V ‘NB Scofield’, Field No. 53-B-25, 9 June 1953; CAS-IZ-96742 [wet]. –1 colony; San Luis Obispo County, ~10 miles S of Morro Bay, near Point, ~35°22'01"N, 121°02'55"W, 9 m; coll. abalone diver via scuba (“Ed”), 1964; CAS-IZ 97951 [dry]. –1 colony; Monterey County, between Point Lobos and Sabrina Point, ~36°31'28"N, 121°57'03"W, 364 m; coll. Capt. Alioti, on Shrimper ‘Jackie Boy’ (lot 2), 4 March 1972; CAS-IZ 96735 [wet]. –1 colony; Monterey County, Carmel Bay, off San Jose Creek Beach (Monastery Beach), ~36°31'34"N, 121°55'50"W, 38 m; coll. D Sullivan, 20 May 1962; CAS-IZ 96746 [wet]. –1 colony + 1 fragment; Monterey County, Monterey Bay, bearing S 25° E, 5.4 miles off Point Piños lighthouse, ~36°35'49"N, 122°00'13”W 170 m; coll. USBCF ‘Albatross’, station 4543, Haul # 816, 1904 SIO/BIC CO 361 [wet]. –1 colony/fragments; Monterey County, Monterey Bay, bearing N 87° W, 1.74 miles off Point Piños lighthouse, ~36°38'30"N, 121°57'45"W, 64 m; coll. USBCF ‘Albatross’, station 4441, 1904SIO/BIC CO 1810 [wet]. (Both SIO/BIC CO 361 and CO 1810, are labeled P.arbuscula; this is in error, based on location data.) –1 colony; Monterey County, Monterey Bay, Monterey Bay Canyon Wall, ~36°52'37"N, 121°56'50"W, 500–600 m; coll. C Mah, R/V ‘Point Sur’, 28 February 1997; CAS-IZ 108905 [wet]. –2 colonies; Monterey County, Monterey Bay, Continental Shelf, ~36°52'37"N, 121°56'50"W, 150–160 m; coll. C Mah, R/V ‘Point Sur’, 14 April 1998; CAS-IZ 113071 [wet & dry]. –colonies; Monterey County, Monterey Bay, Monterey Canyon, canyon wall, ~36°52'37"N, 121°56'50"W, 600–700 m; coll. C Mah, R/V ‘Point Sur’, 14 April 1998; CAS-IZ 113072 [wet]. –1 colony; San Francisco County, ? Farallon Islands, ~37°44'22"N, 123°03'13"W, no depth recorded; coll. unknown, with exception of “Trawl no. PC1-1: sample no. 1,” 23 September 1991; CAS-IZ 96747 [wet]. –1 colony; Humboldt County, Blunt's Reef, off Cape Mendocino, California, ~40°25'56"N, 124°27'28"W; coll. Turkington, May 1910; det. by Bayer; USNM 51500 [dry]. USA, Oregon and Washington – 1 colony; no specific location data, 600 m; coll. A Carey Jr., R/V ‘Acona’, Station OTB-36 16 June 1964; CAS-IZ 143903 [wet]. –1 colony and 1 fragment; Coos County, off coast, Coquille Bank, ~42°54'23"N, 124°51'16"W, 257 m; coll. P Etnoyer, NOAA “West Coast Survey, Fall 2010, 3 November 2010; BS004 (CB 50001-002) and BS005 (CB 50001-003) [wet]. –fragment; off Oregon coast, Heceta Bank, 43°55'58"N, 124°55'55"W, 140 m; coll. Heceta RB-00-05, G Hendler; RV ‘Ronald H. Brown’ (NOAA) and S/V ‘Ropos’, Dive R534-Rk-009, 24 June 2000; LACoMNH Marine Biodiversity Center processing number 233 [wet]. –fragment; off Oregon coast, Heceta Bank, 43°56'52"N, 124°56'36"W, 189 m; coll. Heceta RB-00-05, G Hendler; RV ‘Ronald H. Brown’ (NOAA) and S/V ‘Ropos’, Dive R535-Bio-2, 3, 4, or 13, 24 June 2000; LACoMNH, Marine Biodiversity Center processing number 379 [wet]. –1 colony; off Oregon coast, Heceta Bank, 43°58'07"N, 124°51'10"W, hard bottom covered with invertebrates, 117.9 m; coll. A Valdés by ROV; RV ‘Ronald H. Brown’ (NOAA) and S/V ‘Ropos’, Dive 615, 10 July 2001; LACoMNH, Marine Biodiversity Center processing number 100 [wet]. –1 colony; off Oregon coast, Heceta Bank, 43°59'16"N, 124°52'59"W, rocky area, collected with a large rock, 81.1 m; coll. A. Valdés by ROV; RV ‘Ronald H. Brown’ (NOAA) and S/V ‘Ropos’, Dive 613, 9 July 2001; LACoMNH Marine Biodiversity processing center number 85 [wet]. –1 colony; off Oregon coast, Heceta Bank, 44°09'11"N, 124°49'29"W, 81 m; coll. Heceta RB-00-05, G Hendler; RV ‘Ronald H. Brown’ (NOAA) and S/V ‘Ropos’, Dive R530-Bio-0012, 21 June 2000; LACoMNH, Marine Biodiversity Center processing number 205 [wet]. –1 colony; off Oregon coast, Heceta Bank, 44°11'08"N, 124°48'24"W, rocky bottom, collected with rock, 74.3 m; coll. R Embley by ROV; RV ‘Ronald H. Brown’ (NOAA) and S/V ‘Ropos’; Dive 608, 7 July 2001; LACoMNH, Marine Biodiversity Center processing number 56 [wet]. –2 colonies; off Oregon coast, Heceta Bank, 44°11'14"N, 124°50'03"W, rocky bottom, collected with rock with gorgonian attached, 81.8 m; coll. N Puniwai by ROV; RV ‘Ronald H. Brown’ (NOAA) and S/V ‘Ropos’, Dive 608, 7 July 2001; LACoMNH, Marine Biodiversity Center processing number 55 [wet]. –1 colony; off Oregon coast, Heceta Bank, 44°13'20"N, 124°52'26"W, 98 m; coll. Heceta RB-00-05, G Hendler; RV ‘Ronald H. Brown’ (NOAA) and S/V ‘Ropos’, Dive R538-Rk-0003, 26 June 2000; LACoMNH Marine Biodiversity Center processing number 263 [wet]. –2 colonies; Lincoln County, off Newport, ~44°40'10"N, 124°27'12"W, 110 m; coll. Dr JE McCauley, R/V ‘Acona’, no collection date given; CAS-IZ 24639 [wet]. –2 colonies + fragments; Lincoln County, 112.01 miles SW of Yaquina Head Light, 44°40'00"N, 126°21'12"W, 2,856 m; coll. A Carey, OSU, Station OTB-30, 20 May 1964; SBMNH 423078 [wet]. –1 colony; Eastern N Pacific, Tillamook County, off Oregon coast, due W of Nehalem Bay State Park, 45°38'55"N, 124°06'03"W, ~80 m; coll. NFSC, 2006 expedition; CB 34213-093, FRAM 100105460 [wet]. –1 colony, North Pacific, off Oregon/Washington border, Clatsop County, due W of Tillamook Head, and mouth of Columbia River, ~46°13'30"N, 124°22'31"W, ~113 m; coll. NFSC, 2006 expedition; CB 34210-023, FRAM 100105455 [wet]. –3 colonies; North Pacific, Grays Harbor County, off Washington State, due W of Quinault Beach Resort, ~47°01'33"N, 124°39'10"W, ~98 m; coll. NFSC, 2006 expedition; CB 34210-025, FRAM 00105453 [wet]. –1 colony, North Pacific, off Washington coast, Grays Harbor County, ~47°06'07"N, 124°32'17"W, 73 m; coll. NFSC, WCGS 2006; CB 34210-020, FRAM 100105450 [wet].

Other material, location not known. WCGS 2006, Oregon – CB 34213-047, FRAM 100105469 (provided by E Berntson, NOAA Fisheries Office, Port Orchard, WA).

Other material, not examined – several colonies; USA, N Pacific Ocean, California, Monterey County, Carmel, 26 m; [YPM 8877A and YPM 8877B; notation of “questionable form,” wet].

Muriceacalifornica Aurivillius, 1931

Material examined. ~33 lots. USA, California – (?)1 colony; Orange County, Newport Bay, 33°35'37"N, 117°52'51"W, on rocks of outer jetty, below extended low tide; coll. G MacGinitie, October 1946; SBMNH 422390 [wet]. –multiple colonies/fragments; Orange County, Newport Beach, “The Pipeline,” ~33°36'23"N, 117°55'50"W, depth not recorded; coll. Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach (for SBMNH Sea Center), early summer, 2010; SBMNH 265938 [wet]. –1 colony; Orange County, Newport Bay, 33°37'11"N, 117°53'41"W, depth not recorded; coll. G Sphon, 08 January 1953; SBMNH 422920 [DH 451 = SBMNH-35; dry]. –2+ colonies; Orange County, off Huntington Beach, with a beam trawl, 33°38'30"N, 118°00'20"W, 7–36 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, 1127-40, 20 April 1940; SBMNH 422360 [1 dry, others wet]. –1 colony; Los Angeles County, San Pedro, Point Fermin, 33°41'00"N, 118°16'00"W; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 1578-46, 20 December 1946; data from label, not Station Log (NOTE: from August 1942-July 1948, no Station Log notes; ship not running consistently during WWII?); SBMNH 422361[wet]. –fragment; Los Angeles County, San Pedro, inside of Point Fermin, on shore–rock wall and loose rock, 33°42'45"N, 118°16'45"W; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1217-40, 30 November 1940; SBMNH 422357 [wet]. –multiple colonies; Los Angeles County, San Pedro, Point Fermin, 33°42'18"N, 118°17'35"W, 13 m; with data station number: 50 3 T147, 17 June 1916; SBMNH 422375[wet]. –several colonies in 3 lots; Los Angeles County, San Pedro Breakwater, on shore, 33°42'08"N, 118°16'05"W; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1230-41, 26 January 1941; SBMNH 422358 [wet]. –1 colony; Los Angeles County, between White's Point and Portuguese Bend, beam trawl–bryozoa, corals, sea mouse, gorgonacea, 33°42'54"N, 118°20'07"W (end), 22 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 1644-48, 19 November 1948; SBMNH 422359 [wet]. –1 colony; Los Angeles County, between White's Point and Portuguese Bend, 33°42'54"N, 118°20'07"W, 22 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 1644-48, 19 November 1948; SBMNH 422919 [dry]. –1 colony (stripped); Ventura County, Rincon Beach, 30°20'10"N, 119°24'35"W, on beach; coll. N Moore, 2 March 2008; SBMNH 422918 [dry]. –1 colony; Santa Barbara County, Anacapa Island, 34°00'13"N, 119°25'16"W, 100 yards out from Cat Rock, 17–18 m; coll. B Scronce, and party, 30 October 1962; SMBNH 45564; [wet]. –1 colony; Santa Barbara County, Anacapa Island, 34°00'13"N, 119°25'16"W, 100 yards out from Cat Rock, 17–18 m; coll. B Scronce, and party, 30 October 1962; SBMNH 45563; [wet]. –1 colony; Ventura County, Port Hueneme, off the north jetty, 34°09'26"N, 119°13'42"W, 11 m; coll. M Conboy and D Sprong, 16 January 1963; SBMNH 422911 [DH 448 =SBMNH-32; dry]. –3 colonies; Ventura County, Port Hueneme, 34°09'26"N, 119°13'42"W, 11 m; coll. M Conboy and D Sprong, 16 January 1963; SBMNH 422913 [DH 449 =SBMNH-33, dry]. –2 colonies; Santa Barbara County, Carpinteria, several miles east of Carpinteria State Beach, 34°23'36"N, 119°31'31"W, between splash and high inter-tidal, up on rocks and exposed beach; coll. EA Horvath, between 27–30, January 2006; SBMNH 422372 & 422373 [wet]. –2 colonies; Santa Barbara County, Carpinteria, off Carpinteria State Beach, 34°23'36"N, 119°31'31"W; coll. C Watters and J Henry, det. EA Horvath; 18 February 2008; SBMNH 422914 [dry]. –1 fragment; Santa Barbara County, Santa Barbara, Naples Reef, 34°26'24"N, 119°56'60"W, 15 m; coll. S Anderson and party, 11 November 1998; SBMNH 345324; [wet]. MEXICO, Baja California Sur (Pacific Coast) – 2 colonies + fragments; Cabo San Lucas, 22°52'49"N, 109°54'32"W; coll. unknown, 22 March 1936; SBMNH 422921 [dry]. –1 colony; off Thurloe Head, on rock with gorgonids, 27°36'50"N, 114°50'50"W, 15–18 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 283-34, 9 March 1934; SBMNH 422369 [wet]. MEXICO, Baja California Norte (Pacific Coast) – 1 fragment; Isla Cedros, South Bay, on rock along margin of kelp bed, 28°04'45"N, 115°21'05"W, 18–27 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 287-34, 10 March 1934; SBMNH 422363 [wet]. –2 colonies; Baja, 6.5 miles SW of Punta San Carlos, dredge–rocky bottom, 29°33'30"N, 115°35'28"W (end), 36 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 1944-50, 25 April 1950; SBMNH 422362 [wet]. MEXICO, Baja California Norte (Gulf of California) – 2 colonies; Roca Consag, 31°12'17"N, 114°33'39"W; coll. L Findley, 9 July 1973; Nos. 207/208, University of Arizona; SBMNH 422376 [wet]. MEXICO (Gulf of California) – 1 colony; Sonora, South of Isla Tiburon, sand, shell, 28°43'45"N, 112°17'50"W, 36 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, 566-36, 11 March 1936; SBMNH 422384 [wet]. SOUTH AMERICA – 1 fragment; Ecuador, off Cape San Francisco, 00°37'10"N, 80°00'30"W, 27 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 850-38, 23 February 1938; SBMNH 422427 [dry].

Other material examined. USA, California – San Diego County, La Jolla, Quast Rock, 21 m; coll. R Kiwala, by scuba, 7 April 1969; SIO/BIC CO 1600 [wet]. –San Diego County, La Jolla, Quast Rock, 20 m; coll. R Grigg, December 1967; SIO/BIC CO 1632. –San Diego County, La Jolla, Quast, 20 m; coll. unknown, October 1966; SIO/BIC CO 1641. –1 lot; San Diego County, Quast Rock, 65 feet; coll. unknown, 29 October 1965; SIO/BIC CO 1945 [wet]. –2 colonies/fragments; Orange County, just south and east of Huntington Beach, ~33°36'50"N, 117°59'13"W, 18 m; coll. OCSD, station T0, Haul 1, 29 February 2012 [wet]. –Los Angeles County, off San Clemente Island, 32°35'29"N, 118°19'02"W, near Station # 2, in restricted area, by SCUBA; coll. J Cooper, 11 June 1982; MLML C0110 [wet]. –colonies/fragments; Los Angeles County, Santa Catalina Island, just outside Blue Cavern Marine Protected Area, near “The Quarry,” ~33°25'53"N, 118°26'49"W, depth unknown; coll. Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach, early summer, 2010 [wet]. –Los Angeles County, Coast Station, Palos Verdes, off Marineland of the Pacific, 33°43'58"N, 118°25'12"W, 10–15 m; large boulders with sand between; coll. R Grigg, 7 January 1967; SIO/BIC CO 1596. MEXICO – Baja California Norte, Punta Banda, station 2 (no other data); 20 July 1968; SIOBIC CO 1943 “a1-a4”, and probably “b” as well.

All lots SIO/BIC CO 1860 – CO 1939; most of these lots probably this species, a few mixed in likely M.fruticosa, but no specific collection location data is readily available. In the “Limbaugh” Collection housed at NMNH, other collection locations could include: (USA) the Richfield Oil Island (Ventura County, ~10 miles south of Santa Barbara, California), Newport Bay (California), in the Huntington Beach Gas and Electric Steam Plant discharge pipe (California), and from Baja: Gulf of Punta Final, Turtle Bay and off Cape San Lucas. There are SIO/BIC CO 1943 and CO 1945, but these are not included in any official listing, and there appeared to be no data to go with the numbers.

Other material, not examined (but photographed) or examined/photographed (not collected) – 1 colony; N Pacific Ocean, USA, California, Los Angeles County, San Clemente, ~33°25'21"N, 117°37'22"W, on the beach; photographer A Nelson, det. EA Horvath; 1 March 2008. –1 colony; N Pacific Ocean, USA, California, Ventura California, Santa Barbara Channel Islands, Anacapa Island, ~34°00'19"N, 119°24'55"W, big tidal pool; photographer N Downend, det. EA Horvath; 14 April 2008.

Muriceaplantaginea (Valenciennes, 1846) [= M.appressa Verrill, 1864]

Material examined. ~4 lots. MEXICO, Baja California Sur (Pacific Coast) – 1 colony; Bahia de Santa Maria, 24°42'20"N, 112°14'10"W, 58 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 760-38, 5 January 1938; SBMNH 422418; [dry]. –1 colony; Punta Asunción, 27°07'28"N, 114°17'48"W, 7 m; coll. RH McPeak, 15 October 1980; SBMNH 422417 [dry]. MEXICO, Baja California Norte (Gulf of California) –1 colony; Isla Partida, off White Rock, 28°55'30"N, 113°05'35"W, 82 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 557-36, 8 March 1936; SBMNH 422416 [dry]. MEXICO (Gulf of California)

–1 colony; Sonora, Guaymas, Ensenada Carrizal, 27°52'12"N, 110°51'00"W; coll. P LaFollette; August 1960; SBMNH 422912 [DH 450 =SBMNH-34; Also: # 0413, and A339, dry].

Other material, not examined.USNM 52301 and USNM 52303 were both collected in the N Pacific, USA, California, Los Angeles County, off San Pedro; no other data given. A third, USNM 94678, may also be this form, as it is from the same collection location. Additionally, from the Limbaugh collection of specimens housed at NMNH, locations for possible examples of this species include: Baja California Sur (Cabo San Lucas; Cape San Lucas Canyon; Bahia de Los Angeles); Baja California Norte (an area near South Cedros Island; perhaps Punta Final and Turtle Bay) and USA, California, San Diego County, La Jolla (Scripps submarine canyon). Further sclerite examinations need to be made.

Muriceafruticosa Verrill, 1868

Material examined. ~14 lots. USA, California – 1 colony (fragmented); Orange County, Newport Channel, Balboa, shore collected on a –1.6 tide, 33°36'02"N, 117°52'50"W; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1224-41, 25 January 1941; SBMNH 422383 [wet]. –1 fragment (albino form or bleached–FG Hochberg); Los Angeles County, Santa Catalina Island, Salta Verde Point, 15 m, 33°19'00"N, 118°25'20–27"W; coll. R Given, 1 May 1967; SBMNH 422389 [wet]. –several colonies; Los Angeles County, Santa Catalina Island, Big Fisherman's Cove, 33°20'40"N, 118°29'07"W, 3 m; coll. R Setzer, 22 August 1968; SBMNH 422374 [wet]. –1 colony; Los Angeles County, Palos Verdes, east of Portuguese Bend, 33°43'00"N, 118°19'57"W, 15 m; coll. unknown, 6 November 1949; SBMNH 422428 [dry]. –1 colony; Los Angeles County, Long Beach, Long Beach Harbor, Back Channel, just east of Terminal Island, 33°45'41"N, 118°13'07"W, 7.6 m; coll. DB Cadien, rocky subtidal station I/S7, 31 March 1980; SBMNH 265945 [wet]. –1 fragment; Los Angeles County, Santa Monica Bay, ~33°56'07"N, 118°27'59"W; coll. Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach (for SBMNH Sea Center), early summer, 2010; SBMNH 265940 [wet]. –2 colonies (1 incomplete); Santa Barbara County, Santa Cruz Island, Smugglers Cove, 34°01'19"N, 119°32'31"W, 6 m; coll. B Scronce and party, 24 January 1963; SBMNH 422430 [DH 477 = SBMNH-31, dry]. –1 fragment; Santa Barbara County, Mohawk Reef, 34°23'40"N, 119°43'48"W, 4 m; coll. S Anderson, by hand, SCUBA, 01 November 1998; SBMNH 345325 [wet]. MEXICO, Baja California Sur (Pacific Coast) –1 colony; Escondido Bay area, Isla Danzante to Punta Candeleros, 25°47'15"N, 111°15'30"W; coll. R McPeak, 30 March 1981; SBMNH 422429; [dry]. –1 colony; 2 miles, 142° T from Thurloe Head, 27°35'45"N, 114°49'15"W, no depth reported; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, station 11842-67, 7 December 1967; SBMNH 422910; [wet]. –fragment; Scammons Lagoon, Isla Piedras, high littoral under flat sandstone, 27°46'00"N, 114°15'20"W; coll. W Williams on Kenyon-Williams Expeditions, station M12, 30 April 1946; SBMNH 422387 [wet]. MEXICO, Baja California Norte (Pacific Coast) – 1 colony; Baja, 6.5 miles SW of Punta San Carlos, dredge–rocky bottom, 29°33'30"N, 115°35'28"W (end), 36 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero IV’, 1944-50; 25 April 1950; SBMNH 422386 [wet]. MEXICO (Gulf of California) – 1 colony; Sonora, Guaymas, “Bahia de Conos” (El Carrisito), 27°52'00"N, 110°54'15"W, subtidal, less than 9 m, attached to rocks; coll. P LaFollette, 8-12 August 1960; SBMNH 422916 [DH 452 =SBMNH-36; ? 0336; ? A332, dry]. –1 colony/2 fragments; Sonora, Guaymas, “Bahia de Conos” (El Carrisito) 27°52'00"N, 110°54'15"W, less than 9 m, attached to rocks; coll. P LaFollette, 5–12 August 1960; SBMNH 422917 [DH 455 =SBMNH-39; ? A20; ? A332; ?0336, dry]. –4 colonies, 2 other fragments; Sonora, Guaymas, Ensenada Carrizal, 27°52'12"N, 110°51'00"W; coll. P LaFollette, 5–13 August 1960; SBMNH 422915 [DH 453 =SBMNH-37; ? PIL-A19; ? A332; ? 0335, dry].

Other material examined. USA, California – colony; Dana Point, N of, 33°32'41"N, 117°48'36"W, 48–53 m; coll. T Matsui, with otter trawl on R/V ‘Agassiz’, 29 March 1974; CO/SIO 1628 (M-15, OT-8) [wet/dry?]. –CO/SIO 1939 also identified as this species, but no other data could be found.

Placogorgia sp. A

Material examined. ~5 lots. USA, California – 1 colony, in fragments; Orange County, Oceanside, 33°10'29"N, 117°23'09"W, Station IP-B1046, caught in shark net, 138 m; coll. B Brophy, 1971; SBMNH 422969 [DH 844 = SBMNH-51; dry]. –multiple fragments; Los Angeles County, off Santa Monica, South Banks, 34°00'21"N, 118°29'57"W, 82–100 m; coll. Pacific BioMarine, commercial trawl, 10 October 1978; SBMNH 422970 [wet]. –1 colony fragment; Ventura County, California Channel Islands, NW edge of Hueneme Canyon, 34°02'20"N, 119°18'07"W, 145 m; coll. NMFS Dive 32, 23 September 2011; SBMNH 235579 [dry]. –fragment; Ventura County, California Channel Islands, slightly NE of East Anacapa, 34°02'20"N, 119°18'13"W, 140 m; coll. M Love from submersible ‘Delta’, 14 October 2005; with his number: A6689; SBMNH 422968 [wet]. MEXICO, Baja California Norte (Pacific Coast) – multiple fragments; 5.5 miles S of Islas San Benito, fine green sand, coarse grey sand, 28°13'18(55)” N, 115°33(35)’15(05)” W (end), 120–147 m; coll. R/V ‘Velero III’, station 1251-41, 26 February 1941; SBMNH 422966 [wet].

Other material examined – 1 piece; USA, California, Orange County, northern edge of San Gabriel Canyon, off Huntington Beach, trawl, ~33°33'49"N, 118°08'40"W, 113 m; coll. DB Cadien, EMAP Voucher, Survey SCBPP, southern California Bight, Station 1476 (ID by J Ljubenkov, not collected by MEC), 29 July 1994 [wet].

WilliamsGC (2013a) New taxa and revisionary systematics of alcyonacean octocorals from the Pacific Coast of North America (Cnidaria, Anthozoa).ZooKeys283: 1542. (1979) Adelogorgiatelones, a New Species of Gorgonacean Coral (Coelenterata: Octocorallia) from the Galápagos Islands.Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington91(4): 10261036.ánHM (2018) Revision of the genus Adelogorgia Bayer, 1958 (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Octocorallia) with the description of three new species.Zootaxa4369(3): 327348.ésJ (2011) Morphology and taxonomy of a new species of Leptogorgia (Cnidaria: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) in Cocos Island National Park, Pacific Costa Rica.Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington124(2): 6269. (1927) Seashore Animals of the Pacific Coast.MacMillan and Company, New York, 659 pp.KükenthalW (1913) Über die Alcyonarienfauna Californiens und ihre tiergeo-graphischen Beziehungen.Zoologische Jahrbucher Abteilung fur Systematik35(2): 219270. (1909) Alcyonaria of the California coast.Proceedings of the United States National Museum35: 681727. (2000) A Living Bay: The Underwater World of Monterey Bay. Series in Marine Conservation, 2.University of California and Monterey Bay Aquarium, Berkeley, 287 pp.CordeiroRvan OfwegenLWilliamsG (2018f) World List of Octocorallia. Chromoplexaura Williams, 2013.ükenthalW (1924) Gorgonaria. Das Tierreich, Vol. 47.Walter de Gruyter & Company, Berlin, 478 pp.BayerFM (1956) Octocorallia, Part F. Coelenterata. In: Moore RC (Ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press, Lawrence-Kansas, F166–F231.