Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Supplementary Materials and Methods
- Fig. S1. XPS spectrums of metal elements in nanowire structures.
- Fig. S2. Characterizations of POM nanowire and nanoring structures.
- Fig. S3. TEM images of single-cluster nanostructures in low magnification.
- Fig. S4. The morphology transformation from nanowires into nanorings.
- Fig. S5. TEM images of products synthesized with different concentrations of KAc.
- Fig. S6. TEM images of nanocolumns assembled by nanorings.
- Fig. S7. Typical TEM images of simple cubic (CTA)x(TBA)7-xP2W17EuO61 superstructures.
- Fig. S8. TEM images of nanowires encapsulated by surfactants with different alkyl chain lengths.
- Fig. S9. TEM images of nanorings and 3D superstructures encapsulated by surfactants with different alkyl chain lengths.
- Fig. S10. TEM images of nanowires, nanorings, and 3D superstructures with different alkyl chains of acids.
- Fig. S11. SAXS results of P2W17M cluster nanostructures.
- Fig. S12. TEM images and EDX results of nanowire structures constructed by P2W17M clusters.
- Fig. S13. TEM images and EDX results of nanostructures constructed by P2W17Ln clusters.
- Fig. S14. TEM images of (CTA)x(TBA)10-xP2W17O61 nanobelts.
- Fig. S15. Optimized complex structure of HAc and the P2W17M (M = Zn, La, Ce) cluster.
- Fig. S16. CV curves and selectivity test for the hydrogen peroxide detection.
- Table S1. Elemental analysis results of nanowire and nanoring structures.
- Table S2. Epoxidation of olefins with PhIO catalyzed by the P2W17Mn POM precursor.
- References (33–40)
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