Supplementary Materials

This PDF file includes:

  • Section SA. Choice of null model for the combined effect of multiple independent mutations
  • Section SB. Range of validity for population size N
  • Section SC. Structural features of fitness landscapes
  • Section SD. Relaxation to local fitness maximum
  • Section SE. Hopping between MSs
  • Section SF. Batch culture
  • Fig. S1. Properties of fitness landscape as a function of L.
  • Fig. S2. Properties of fitness peaks as a function of L when additional weak interactions
  • between all sites are included.
  • Fig. S3. Figure showing how properties of MSs vary with fitness for ρ = 0.01 (black diamonds, Foffset = −3.4), ρ = 0.025 (red circles, Foffset = −3.8), ρ = 0.05 (green triangles, Foffset = −4.2), ρ = 0.075 (blue squares, Foffset = −4.4), and ρ = 0.1 (purple crosses, Foffset = −4.5).
  • Fig. S4. The number of connecting MSs ns, which is the number of MSs that the system can transit to next from the current MS, correlates with the number of double mutant escape paths out of a state np.
  • Fig. S5. Relaxation toward a single local fitness maximum slows down with increasing degree of epistasis.
  • Fig. S6. Changing the distribution of fixation probabilities does not significantly change the functional form of the fitness trajectory.
  • Fig. S7. Other distributions for the nonzero elements of the interaction matrix give similar form for the fitness trajectory.
  • Fig. S8. Logarithmic fitness trajectories are also observed for different values of ρ.
  • Fig. S9. The decay of the two-time correlation function depends on both the time difference Δt and the initial time of the measurement tw, implying that the system ages.
  • Reference (45)

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