Supplemental Data
- SupplementaryInfo - supplementary methods and figures
- table S1 - the results of component stability analysis for the NCI60 and the BLCA studies.
- Table S2 - the gene-set score (GSS) matrix of Gene ontology (GO) for iPS ES 4-plex data.
- Table S3 - the gene-set score (GSS) matrix of Gene ontology (GO) and transcriptional factor target (TFT) gene-set with more than 200 significant GSSs for BLCA data.
- Table S4 - The Chi square test of association between integrative subtypes and previously published subtypes.
- Table S5 - the gene influential score (GIS) for selected transcriptional factor gene-sets. The document contains GIS analysis for 2 gene-sets.
- Table S6 - the gene influential score (GIS) for selected gene-sets (from Gene Ontology). The document contains GIS analysis for 9 gene-sets.