Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Fig. S1. In vitro results at RF saturation field strength of 3 μΤ.
- Fig. S2. In vitro pH measurement variation as a function of ΔΒ0 shift at 4-μΤ RF saturation power.
- Fig. S3. In vitro pH measurement variation with ΔΒ0 shift at 3-μΤ RF saturation power.
- Fig. S4. Biochemical and clinical measures in the RD and HP Mut−/−;TgINS-Alb-Mut mice as compared to heterozygote littermates.
- Fig. S5. In vivo Z-spectra.
- Fig. S6. Representative ΔB0 maps for RD and HP diet mice.
- Fig. S7. pH-histogram plots depicting the percentage of pixels across the detectable pH range and normal distribution analysis for all control (Mut+/−) mice imaged in this study.
- Fig. S8. pH-histogram plots depicting the percentage of pixels across the detectable pH range and normal distribution analysis for all Mut−/− mice imaged in this study.
- Fig. S9. MRI metrics versus weight correlation plots for HP and RD Mut−/− mice.
- Fig. S10. pH images calculated for a healthy control mouse using our 72, 38, and 2-offset protocols.
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