Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Supplementary Materials and Methods
- Fig. S1. Simulated dependence of R2free and ΔR2 on internal correlation time τi and S2 order parameter.
- Fig. S2. Range of validity of Eq. 3 for the extraction of S2 from ΔR2.
- Fig. S3. Experimental 15N spin relaxation parameters of Im7 in the absence of NPs.
- Fig. S4. Experimental 15N spin relaxation parameters of CBD1 in the absence of NPs.
- Fig. S5. Comparison between NMR S2(ΔR2) and x-ray B-factors of backbone nitrogen atoms in crystal structures.
- Fig. S6. Dependence of ΔR2 values on SNP concentration.
- Fig. S7. Mapping of experimental S2(ΔR2) onto the structural model of Im7 when bound to the DNase domain of colicin E7.
- References (49–63)
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