The PDF file includes:
- Phylogenetic analysis based on phenetic and molecular characters
- Composite phylogenetic tree and estimated divergence times
- Virtual endocranial cast of C. carrascoensis
- Measurements of the virtual endocranial cast of C. carrascoensis
- Comparison of lateral profiles of endocranial casts
- Allometric relationship between brain and body mass
- Tracing PEQs along the composite phylogenetic tree
- Estimating acuity of the visual sensory system
- Estimating acuity of the olfactory sensory system
- Fig. S1. Tree topology and divergence times of anthropoids inferred from Bayesian tip dating.
- Fig. S2. Strict consensus of six most parsimonious phylogenetic trees.
- Fig. S3. Majority consensus of six most parsimonious phylogenetic trees.
- Fig. S4. Virtual endocranial cast of C. carrascoensis based on high-resolution x-ray CT scanning images.
- Fig. S5. Comparison of the lateral profile of the endocranial cast of C. carrascoensis with other anthropoids.
- Fig. S6. Tracing PEQs along the composite phylogenetic tree of fossil and extant haplorhine primates (data file S4).
- Fig. S7. Notched box-whisker plot of the relative olfactory bulb size of fossil and extant haplorhine primates.
- Table S1. Measurements of the virtual endocranial cast of C. carrascoensis mm, mm2 (areas), or mm3 (volumes).
- Legends for data files S1 to S9
- References (35–84)
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Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following:
- Data file S1 (.nex format). Data matrix used for phylogenetic analysis (in NEXUS format).
- Data file S2 (.nex format). MrBayes commands used for Bayesian tip dating analysis.
- Data file S3 (Microsoft Word format). Fossil age, estimated divergence times, and branch length of selected fossil anthropoids.
- Data file S4 (.tre format). The composite phylogenetic tree with estimated divergence times in NEXUS format.
- Data file S5 (Microsoft Word format). Body mass and brain weight of extant and fossil haplorhine primates.
- Data file S6 (Microsoft Word format). Regressions for ln(brain mass) and ln(body mass) in anthropoids, catarrhines, and platyrrhines.
- Data file S7 (Microsoft Word format). PEQ, body mass, optic foramen area, orbital area, OFI, relative optic foramen size, and relative orbital size of extant and fossil haplorhine primates.
- Data file S8 (Microsoft Word format). Regressions used for estimating acuity of the visual sensory system and the olfactory sensory system.
- Data file S9 (Microsoft Word format). Body mass, brain mass, PEQ, olfactory bulb mass, and relative olfactory bulb size of extant and fossil haplorhine primates.