##This is an example of a user-specified evidence file, and can be used with "-s" option #CBP0 is a measure of clinical and/or experimental evidence and can be 0;1;2(no clinical evidence;potential clinical significance;strong clinical significance) #CBP1 is a measure of mutation types and can be 1;0 (activating, LOF (missense, nonsense, indel, splicing), CNVs, fusions;Functionally benign or unknown, mostly missense,in-frame indels, less commonly, othertypes) #CBP2 is a measure of variant allele fraction and can be 1;0;-1 (mosaic;nonmosaic;unsure) #CBP3 is a measure of potential germline and can be 1;0;-1 (nonmosaic;mosaic;unsure) #CBP4 is a measure of population allele frequency and can be 1;0 (low MAF; high MAF) #CBP5 is a measure of germline database and can be 2;1;0 (only pathogenic evidence;benign or likely benign;uncertain or contradictory) #CBP6 is a measure of somatic database and can be 2;1;0 (pathogenic;likely pathogenic;uncertain) #CBP7 is a measure of predictive software programs and can be 2;1;0 (pathogenic;uncertain or contradictory;benign or likely benign) #CBP8 is a measure of pathway involvement and can be 2;1;0 (cancer-associated;potential association;unclear function) #CBP9 is a measure of publications and can be 1;0;-1 (reported in any publications;no evidence;unsure) #Evidence file should be tab-delimited and formated like this: chr start ref alt user-specified-scores[Therapeutic;Mutation_type;Variant_allele_fraction;Potential_germ;Population_data;Germline_data;Somatic_data;Predict_pathogenic;Pathway_involvement;Publications] 1 241663903 GA - CBP0=2;CBP1=1;CBP2=1;CBP3=-1;CBP4=1;CBP5=2;CBP6=2;CBP7=2;CBP8=2;CBP9=1 17 37879658 G A CBP0=1